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The unpopular truth

The unpopular truth

Can you handle the truth? After almost 3 years of this charade, anyone who is not screaming from the rooftops for the end of the jabs and justice is controlled opposition. We don't need more information, more "truth" or more "experts" but it's well and truly established that the jabs

9 min read
Deaths piling up - no where to hide

Deaths piling up - no where to hide

All cause mortality is at record highs across Australia and we are seeing this lead to extended delays in probates, delays for funeral, hospital emergency wait times, and reports of CT body scanning devices at morgues, taking the place of full autopsies.

3 min read
Finding peace amidst war and chaos

Finding peace amidst war and chaos

"Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence". For the parasitic globalists, it's all a game of good cop and bad cop; to siphon off your energy and push an agenda that leaves you feeling powerless, in need of a "saviour"

22 min read
The weaponizing of identity to destroy the West

The weaponizing of identity to destroy the West

Recently I wrote a post on Linkedin that accidentally went viral, because so many could relate to what I had written. I am going to expand on this post for things I wasn't able to say due to censorship. Firstly, the post reads. "Melbourne universities initiated my eldest son into

13 min read
SHTF Scenario Nordstream gas pipelines sabotaged

SHTF Scenario Nordstream gas pipelines sabotaged

As Julian Assange said in 20 Aug 2021, “The goal is an endless war, not a successful war” and we are now in a new phase of war, where nothing seems off the table, not even gas pipelines critical to supply people with heating over Winter, and businesses with energy.

1 min read
Prepare for mass deaths, injury & economic and social upheaval

Prepare for mass deaths, injury & economic and social upheaval

In January 2022, I wrote on how we were being prepared for a mass death event, well it's well and truly here and how will they explain it. Blame it on covid, lock downs, people not seeking out medical treatments, surely not the "safe and effective" vaccines? In truth it

11 min read
The ending is not going as planned

The ending is not going as planned

No truer words, than William Shakespeare. What you are witnessing before you today, are staged events. Look beyond the mainstream news and the controlled opposition of social media and what do you see?

9 min read
Preparing for the inevitable economic and social rebirth

Preparing for the inevitable economic and social rebirth

We are sailing on uncharted waters, with all the data pointing to an economic crash, coinciding with supply chain issues, labor shortages, high gas prices, war in Ukraine, energy short falls, lock downs in China, unprecedented high mortality running at around 20% above average, low birth rates, hospital systems at

12 min read
mRNA jabs in livestock will kill and sterilize

mRNA jabs in livestock will kill and sterilize

By the end of the year, it is expected that mRNA jabs will be rolled out for livestock and this will have a devastating impact on the food supply and human health. All around the world countries will be launching a campaign to “vaccinate” billions of pigs, cows, goats, and

7 min read
Bombshell intel on the Vic elections

Bombshell intel on the Vic elections

The Victorian election is pivotal. Within minutes of posting about Ian Cook’s challenge to Dan Andrews in his seat of Mulgrave, the post was going viral and then boom, I was kicked off Linkedin. The importance of Victoria to the New World Order, cannot be understated. The following is

5 min read
Engineered Food Shortages

Engineered Food Shortages

In an article by George Kent, "The Benefits of World Hunger", he writes "Hungry people are the most productive people, especially where there is a need for manual labour. We in developed countries sometimes see poor people by the roadside holding up signs saying “Will Work for Food”. Actually, most

9 min read
Protect the children

Protect the children

Through sexual abuse and child trafficking, the power structures that enslave humanity are kept alive.

9 min read

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