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With a 21k following on Linkedin and around 3.78 million views in the last 90 days, I have a unique insight into the world and also thanks to the various connections that reach out to me. All of us have our own world view and no clearer can this be appreciated but by picking up someone else's phone and scrolling through their feed and while there are commonalities, each person is experiencing a different view of reality based on what they see, who they know, their own experiences and prior knowledge.
It is very important for any dictatorship to control the information and media and for this reason both the mainstream and alternative media is heavily controlled. It can be looked at as a disinformation ecosystem. This is orchestrated through algorithms, creating echo chambers, limiting reach for posts, banning of accounts and systematic deleting and downgrading of content on the internet. The use of bot farms to boost posts and engagement artificially, social credit scores, promotion of influencers that tow the corporate line who may in fact appear to be "one of us", financial penalties and restrictions, filtering of all content by AI, creating counter narratives and even capturing and removal of emails. The digital prison is almost completely erected and each individual must rely on their intuition, own critical thinking and be prepared to seek out truth through spiritual connection and like a private detective online and in the real world.
Yesterday, I posted this post on Linkedin
• 15 min read