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The last few weeks has been an assault on our senses. "News bombing" with announcements hitting us from all angles with very little time in between to verify what is real before the next round of news. Like stunned deers, blinded by headlights, the world is trying to make sense of it all and divided between the pro-Trump and anti-Trump brigades. He is either saving the world or bringing about imminent destruction.
In RFK Jnr's acceptance speech after his nomination, he called President Trump, a man on a white horse. "We need somebody who is willing to come and has the spine and the guts and the strength, to challenge orthodoxies, to stand in the way of vested interests, and to break institutions that have turned against our democracy, President Trump has shown again and again, that he is that hero"
The white horseman represents conquest, but war against who?
When you consider, William Colby, director of the CIA from 1973 to 1976, said that "The Central Intelligence Agency controls everyone of any importance in the media" and now by using algorithms, and clandestine staff working as journalists or social media influencers/experts, it can control the alternative news in similar ways, as well as every thing from organized religion to the education system, it's a challenge to discern truth. A lie is often not the opposite of the truth but a distortion.
It's important to understand how narratives are shaped, that manipulate our decision making especially those that
• 22 min read