
17 Articles
How to defend yourself using common law

How to defend yourself using common law

I am promoting this common law 13 session online course because it is really important that people understand how the law works, in order to be able to defend themselves and their property. Whether it's mandates, debt collectors, school bullying, fines, etc.. if you know your rights, the pen is mightier than the sword. I have used the law to beat fines three times, dealt with DHS three times, defended family members against
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Niacin deficiency the missing link

Niacin deficiency the missing link

The most censored healing protocol is that of addressing niacin deficiency in order to heal. That's a bold statement but hear me out. Niacin is vitamin B3 and is essential to convert food into energy. Dmitry Kats (PhD, MPH), says 'Being 20% deficient of niacin for a month is a bioweapon' and the form of niacin that works is full flush niacin or nicotinic acid, not niacinamide. If there is one
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Bioweapon released in China

Bioweapon released in China

Recently I received correspondence from a trusted contact living in China about the release of another bio-weapon. By now, it is well established that an engineered agent was released in China in late 2019, that using gain of function and gene splicing, a weaponized bio-weapon was released. I wasn't sure whether the latest images coming out of China were propaganda to restart the whole lock down, masks, vaccines, restrictions, etc.. cycle or if
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Enemy of the State

Enemy of the State

How does 2 principals and a school teacher become the enemies of the State? The media is reporting that 4 police officers performing a welfare check, were ambushed at a remote property by 2 school principals and a school teacher, whose extremist views include being anti-vax , self sufficient, having solar panels, personal security and questioning the government. One of the principals is on public record for raising complaints against the school system to Parliament. By
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
The weaponizing of identity to destroy the West

The weaponizing of identity to destroy the West

Recently I wrote a post on Linkedin that accidentally went viral, because so many could relate to what I had written. I am going to expand on this post for things I wasn't able to say due to censorship. Firstly, the post reads. "Melbourne universities initiated my eldest son into a left wing cult and made him hate his own family. Identity politics is destroying relationships and families. Young people today are
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Prepare for mass deaths, injury & economic and social upheaval

Prepare for mass deaths, injury & economic and social upheaval

In January 2022, I wrote on how we were being prepared for a mass death event, well it's well and truly here and how will they explain it. Blame it on covid, lock downs, people not seeking out medical treatments, surely not the "safe and effective" vaccines? In truth it is all of these things. Divide and conquer. Create the crisis and come along with the "cure". Then blame
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Engineered Food Shortages

Engineered Food Shortages

In an article by George Kent, "The Benefits of World Hunger", he writes "Hungry people are the most productive people, especially where there is a need for manual labour. We in developed countries sometimes see poor people by the roadside holding up signs saying “Will Work for Food”. Actually, most people work for food." The premise is that the poor who need to work for food, are the drivers of production
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Censorship is a Crime

Censorship is a Crime

Once upon a time, I was a good little sheeple, the best and most indoctrinated. Straight A student. Top of my class. My first baby came and I did all the right things; appointments, ultrasound, checks, jabs, etc...and he was ALWAYS sick from about the time I stopped breastfeeding. We spent so much time at the GP, and there were nights I would keep a vigil at his bed, watch his breathing and praying
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Cyber attacks distracting from collapsing covid19 scam

Cyber attacks distracting from collapsing covid19 scam

CASH IS KING. If you were losing a war, with popular uprisings around the world, legal challenges, data coming out that can't be hidden, what card might you play? A cyber pandemic would be a good move. Klaus Schwab has warned the world "A Comprehensive Cyber Attack Could Cause a “Cyber-Pandemic” which would bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole and the covid19
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Evidence, Arrests and Justice

Evidence, Arrests and Justice

It's coming. I know we have heard it so many times before, but look at the signs, and you will see that the dam wall has cracks in it and is about to burst open. Many ask, why has it taken so long? Taking down and organized, international criminal cartel who controls both social and mainstream media, who planned this assault for decades, was never going to be achieved overnight, especially when players
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Surviving heart failure

Surviving heart failure

For about 3 weeks, I had been bedridden with what I believe was some remnant of a past covid infection. I could barely eat, let alone take any supplements, I could hardly stay awake for long and visited the toilet several times a day, drifting in and out of consciousness. My pulse was in the 90s and listening to my gut, it was like a war going on inside and I absolutely stunk. It was
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Dating, marriage and childbirth; a new Gattaca

Dating, marriage and childbirth; a new Gattaca

Dating used to be a simple matter of two people being attracted to each other, but since the jabs, a whole new complication has arisen. From the concern over shedding through intimate contact that can lead to serious health issues to having healthy children and raising families. In the film, Gattaca a genetically inferior man assumes the identity of a superior one in order to pursue his lifelong dream of space travel and society is
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Australia a nation of fools

Australia a nation of fools

Esther, an unjabbed Australian travelled to America recently, via Europe and the United Emirates, to see her sick brother. I was captivated by Esther's (not real name) story and how she concluded after her experience overseas, that Australia is a nation of fools. How would people in Australia react to the fact that in America, organizations are printing out vaccine cards for their unjabbed staff so they can continue to work, or that
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
What will it take for people to wake up?

What will it take for people to wake up?

If your house was on fire, would you let it burn down rather than let an unjabbed firefighter put it out?  Would you prefer a surf lifesaver or student over a fully qualified and experienced unjabbed paramedic in an emergency call out? How about your frail grandparent being treated by a covid positive nurse over an unjabbed healthy nurse or cared for by support worker living in a covid positive household? Would you suffer mass
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

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