Social Media

6 Articles
Implanting the hive mind

Implanting the hive mind

The merging of technology with human biology to create a hive mind is the ultimate goal of globalist powers. The internet of things and the internet of bodies, all communicating via frequencies, to be ultimately controlled and disconnected from any spirituality, to be assimilated into a dystopian technocratic future of digital ID, Central Bank Digital Currency and social credit that your body, mind and emotions are governed by a centralized system.   Below is Nita A.
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
The Alternative Media Matrix

The Alternative Media Matrix

For the last 4 months, on cue I get locked out of Linkedin and asked to verify my identity; usually for a few days and once it took a couple of weeks before my account was restored. Stepping out of social media for a time, provides me some perspective and a reprieve from the latest drama circulating as breaking news. Alternative media feeds into social media, and visa versa and people can become manipulated by
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
The weaponizing of identity to destroy the West

The weaponizing of identity to destroy the West

Recently I wrote a post on Linkedin that accidentally went viral, because so many could relate to what I had written. I am going to expand on this post for things I wasn't able to say due to censorship. Firstly, the post reads. "Melbourne universities initiated my eldest son into a left wing cult and made him hate his own family. Identity politics is destroying relationships and families. Young people today are
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Preparing for the inevitable economic and social rebirth

Preparing for the inevitable economic and social rebirth

We are sailing on uncharted waters, with all the data pointing to an economic crash, coinciding with supply chain issues, labor shortages, high gas prices, war in Ukraine, energy short falls, lock downs in China, unprecedented high mortality running at around 20% above average, low birth rates, hospital systems at near breaking point, high rates of disability, high inflation, record heat waves across Asia and Europe and predictions of food shortages and famine, worldwide protests
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Censorship is a Crime

Censorship is a Crime

Once upon a time, I was a good little sheeple, the best and most indoctrinated. Straight A student. Top of my class. My first baby came and I did all the right things; appointments, ultrasound, checks, jabs, etc...and he was ALWAYS sick from about the time I stopped breastfeeding. We spent so much time at the GP, and there were nights I would keep a vigil at his bed, watch his breathing and praying
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

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