
75 Articles
Stealing elections

Stealing elections

The assassination attempt on a former US president and presidential candidate was an attempt to create social unrest and crash the stock market but don't think they are done, and as Alex Jones reports "It means the globalists are going to go for broke. Power outages, cyber attacks, expanded war, China invading Taiwan, stock market crash...it is all on the table." Love him or loathe him, controlled opposition or not;
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Food plandemic

Food plandemic

Control the food supply. Control the people. In Australia, starting January 2025, mandatory electronic identification of all lambs and kids born if they leave their place of birth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkFgcgYH9v8 In the UK,"Chicken owners will need to register with the Government or risk a £5,000 fine under new rules to combat bird flu. All poultry and captive bird keepers will be required to register their birds from
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Depopulation Black out and Lies

Depopulation Black out and Lies

Two years ago, I wrote an article about how they were preparing us for a mass death event and at the time, I was sure that by now, most people would have figured out that it was both the jab and the lab made pathogen, that were the primary drivers of this death rate. It seems like yesterday and a life time ago that I penned that article. Even the "awake" have no
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Top Brain Scientist tells all

Top Brain Scientist tells all

Recently, I had a private conversation with an Australian Senator and his staffer, the latter was very dismissive of how far brain technology has gone, that I didn't have any proof that although MKUltra, a CIA program using drugs for mind control had been declassified, there was no evidence that such research was still being done, let alone evolved to wireless mind control. What better proof than to speak to Professor James Giordano,
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
The Takedown

The Takedown

So much is happening thick and fast, I am going to list the most significant recent events but this list is certainly not complete and then I will go into the back stories. **Landmark Decision** The Queensland Supreme Court declares Vaccine Mandates “UNLAWFUL” and that the Queensland Police Commissioner, Katrina Carroll, had violated the rights of QPS workers!! This puts employers on notice. The flood gates have now opened to court actions with this very
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
A war on multiple fronts

A war on multiple fronts

Truth is the first casualty of war and things are not as they seem. In fact, the truth is stranger than fiction. When you do a search on the UK company database, you will find that the State of Israel was registered on 23rd February 2023, as a registered company in the UK, with the registered address, 2 Palace Green, London, United Kingdom, W8 4QB which is the Embassy of Israel. https://find-and-update.company-information.service.
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Authentic Voices expose the fake

Authentic Voices expose the fake

The media has long been used as the apparatus of population wide mind control. We have a fake mainstream media but also a fake alternative media that is also CIA controlled by the same globalist interests that fund the mainstream media. Social influencing is also very big business and the pied piper millionaires and billionaires are causing misdirection, manufactured division and even genocide through their dehumanizating/alienating narratives. Learn to spot wolves in sheep'
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
COVID the bioweapon coverup

COVID the bioweapon coverup

Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined twelve years ago while in hospital with heart failure, diagnosed with postpartum cardiomyopathy that I would be interviewing Dr Richard M Fleming on Sars-Cov-2. His book "STOP INFLAMMATION NOW - A Step-by-step plan to prevent, treat and reverse inflammation, the leading cause of heart disease", just so happened to be at the local library in Ocean Grove and when I came home from hospital
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Implanting the hive mind

Implanting the hive mind

The merging of technology with human biology to create a hive mind is the ultimate goal of globalist powers. The internet of things and the internet of bodies, all communicating via frequencies, to be ultimately controlled and disconnected from any spirituality, to be assimilated into a dystopian technocratic future of digital ID, Central Bank Digital Currency and social credit that your body, mind and emotions are governed by a centralized system.   Below is Nita A.
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
The Alternative Media Matrix

The Alternative Media Matrix

For the last 4 months, on cue I get locked out of Linkedin and asked to verify my identity; usually for a few days and once it took a couple of weeks before my account was restored. Stepping out of social media for a time, provides me some perspective and a reprieve from the latest drama circulating as breaking news. Alternative media feeds into social media, and visa versa and people can become manipulated by
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
The next pandemic

The next pandemic

Problem. Reaction. Solution. This is the classic playbook, that is used in fifth generation warfare. Add to this controlled opposition and planned narratives. A sophisticated game of chess, executed with military grade precision. How does one be aware, without sinking into despair? I think it takes a connection to a higher power, the Source of our life, in order to navigate these turbulent times. A direct energy weapon attack on Maui was a Pearl Harbor
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Criminality exposed

Criminality exposed

An important article describing the evidence of criminality and collusion by the pharmaceutical companies, military, government, regulatory bodies, and media that has been exposed in Australia. Please share it with the world. At the Senate Estimates last week, Pfizer and Moderna employees were questioned on their covid19 injections and their testimony has exposed their culpability. The two men testifying are Dr Krishan Thiru and Brian Hewitt. Below they confess that Pfizer imported their own '
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

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