
78 Articles
The next pandemic

The next pandemic

Problem. Reaction. Solution. This is the classic playbook, that is used in fifth generation warfare. Add to this controlled opposition and planned narratives. A sophisticated game of chess, executed with military grade precision. How does one be aware, without sinking into despair? I think it takes a connection to a higher power, the Source of our life, in order to navigate these turbulent times. A direct energy weapon attack on Maui was a Pearl Harbor
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Criminality exposed

Criminality exposed

An important article describing the evidence of criminality and collusion by the pharmaceutical companies, military, government, regulatory bodies, and media that has been exposed in Australia. Please share it with the world. At the Senate Estimates last week, Pfizer and Moderna employees were questioned on their covid19 injections and their testimony has exposed their culpability. The two men testifying are Dr Krishan Thiru and Brian Hewitt. Below they confess that Pfizer imported their own '
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
War against the Deep State

War against the Deep State

We are at a pivotal point in the war against the Deep State. When was the last time you saw the FBI hold evidence on a sitting President that he received a $5 million dollars in bribe or an ex-president arrested for being in possession of classified documents?
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha


The truth is stranger than fiction and what I will write you can take as fiction or reality. Most people including those who consider themselves "awake" still rely on the mainstream media as the source of truth.
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Humanity has the POWER

Humanity has the POWER

Compelling TGA document exposes the undeniable reality that covid19 vaccines should never have been injected into people and a criminality of epic proportions. Every Australian should read this documents. Educate. Advocate. Lobby and work for change. Humanity has the power to change the world but it will take effort and time. Be encouraged to become actively involved because silence is consent. TGA DOCUMENTS The Therapeutic Goods Administration is the medicine and therapeutic regulatory agenc
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Batch data exposes a dark agenda

Batch data exposes a dark agenda

Warning this article may be deeply disturbing and discusses child deaths, toxic batches, placebos, military grade mind control, bioweapons, genetic susceptibility, live blood analysis, advocacy/lobbying, justice, batch analysis, FOI requests, class action, and more.
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
The Voice will leave you voiceless

The Voice will leave you voiceless

The Australian Constitution is a foundational legal document, and if you thought foreigners buying up land and taking over the Port of Darwin was bad, then imagine a situation where a change to the law can take away an entire country. Inconceivable!! Think again. There are powerful forces at work that want to ensure a Yes, vote to The Voice and it has nothing to do with race but a land and resources grab. Australia
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Waiting on the battle front

Waiting on the battle front

In war, there are many battles and various lines to be defended. There will be losses, and there will be wins, as we take ground from the enemy. I have many conversations with people who feel disheartened by the lack of progress, frustrated by family and friends who are still ignorant of all that is going on in the world and my reply is to remember that most were taken by surprise, and really only
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
How to defend yourself using common law

How to defend yourself using common law

I am promoting this common law 13 session online course because it is really important that people understand how the law works, in order to be able to defend themselves and their property. Whether it's mandates, debt collectors, school bullying, fines, etc.. if you know your rights, the pen is mightier than the sword. I have used the law to beat fines three times, dealt with DHS three times, defended family members against
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Bioweapon released in China

Bioweapon released in China

Recently I received correspondence from a trusted contact living in China about the release of another bio-weapon. By now, it is well established that an engineered agent was released in China in late 2019, that using gain of function and gene splicing, a weaponized bio-weapon was released. I wasn't sure whether the latest images coming out of China were propaganda to restart the whole lock down, masks, vaccines, restrictions, etc.. cycle or if
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Enemy of the State

Enemy of the State

How does 2 principals and a school teacher become the enemies of the State? The media is reporting that 4 police officers performing a welfare check, were ambushed at a remote property by 2 school principals and a school teacher, whose extremist views include being anti-vax , self sufficient, having solar panels, personal security and questioning the government. One of the principals is on public record for raising complaints against the school system to Parliament. By
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

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