
25 Articles
Pivotal moment in time

Pivotal moment in time

There are pivotal places, events and people in your life, that change your world view and you are never the same, which I will refer to as activation points or shifts in consciousness. I remember when days would pass of familiar faces and routines, and one's outlook in life stayed relatively unchanged from year to year. Now the number of activation points and shifts are happening at accelerated numbers and frequency, I remember
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Weak minds will not survive

Weak minds will not survive

"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious", Ben Obi-Wan says in Star Wars and no truer words can equally apply to the political parasite class and their hired operatives that do their bidding. In Mathematics, in order to calculate the outcome, you need to know the variables and the weightings of these and there are so many things in play right now. The c19
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Weather wars gone mainstream

Weather wars gone mainstream

Years ago, when I saw The Fukushima nuclear power plant struck by a reported "earthquake" on 11 March 2011, I knew in my heart it was not natural. It can be overwhelming to know the sophistication and nefariousness of the weaponry available and what can happen in the wrong hands. Yet it seemed back then, that I could compartmentalize all of this, because as much as I could search online to confirm my
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
White horse of the Apocalypse

White horse of the Apocalypse

I write this with a heavy heart, that we are witnessing death and destruction on an horrific scale; few will be left untouched. My dad died just over 2 weeks ago, and his passing is still so raw. As I reflect upon, the impact that World War Two had on his life, that he faced food shortages, malnutrition, developmental issues that he spent his lifetime overcoming, the trauma of being bullied at school and the
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Food plandemic

Food plandemic

Control the food supply. Control the people. In Australia, starting January 2025, mandatory electronic identification of all lambs and kids born if they leave their place of birth In the UK,"Chicken owners will need to register with the Government or risk a £5,000 fine under new rules to combat bird flu. All poultry and captive bird keepers will be required to register their birds from
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
The next pandemic

The next pandemic

Problem. Reaction. Solution. This is the classic playbook, that is used in fifth generation warfare. Add to this controlled opposition and planned narratives. A sophisticated game of chess, executed with military grade precision. How does one be aware, without sinking into despair? I think it takes a connection to a higher power, the Source of our life, in order to navigate these turbulent times. A direct energy weapon attack on Maui was a Pearl Harbor
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Criminality exposed

Criminality exposed

An important article describing the evidence of criminality and collusion by the pharmaceutical companies, military, government, regulatory bodies, and media that has been exposed in Australia. Please share it with the world. At the Senate Estimates last week, Pfizer and Moderna employees were questioned on their covid19 injections and their testimony has exposed their culpability. The two men testifying are Dr Krishan Thiru and Brian Hewitt. Below they confess that Pfizer imported their own '
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Alarming ABS death data analysis

Alarming ABS death data analysis

Unlike the ABS birth data, the ABS death data is mapped according to date of occurrence not registration but the data is only mapped in the database when the death is registered. This means that the 11.6% of all cause deaths (coroner certified only deaths ) and approximately 2-3% of all other deaths, have yet to be entered into the provisional data for the period up to the end of July 2022. The key data,
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Divided we fall; why tyranny wins against a divided house

Divided we fall; why tyranny wins against a divided house

The cult of leftism is at its core tyrannical. It's my way or the highway and there in, lies their strength; people will fall in line or else suffer the consequences of exile and name calling. That's how it works, and it is extremely successful especially when a population has been trained by years of indoctrination, to conform. This is why "putting the majors last" and publishing how to
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Vaccine Injury Class Action

Vaccine Injury Class Action

A vaccine injury class action started by a GP from the Whitsundays advocating for her injured patients has engaged a barrister. Though the class action started in Queensland, it is open to anyone in Australia. It now has over 100 litigants/ applicants who are bravely coming together to tell their stories of injuries and to join the action for justice and compensation for all injured.  The action is set to filed in the new year,
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Deaths piling up - no where to hide

Deaths piling up - no where to hide

All cause mortality is at record highs across Australia and we are seeing this lead to extended delays in probates, delays for funeral, hospital emergency wait times, and reports of CT body scanning devices at morgues, taking the place of full autopsies.
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
SHTF Scenario Nordstream gas pipelines sabotaged

SHTF Scenario Nordstream gas pipelines sabotaged

As Julian Assange said in 20 Aug 2021, “The goal is an endless war, not a successful war” and we are now in a new phase of war, where nothing seems off the table, not even gas pipelines critical to supply people with heating over Winter, and businesses with energy. It certainly is no wonder that Julian Assange is still locked up. Too much truth from a real journalist, not the fake MSM or social
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

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