The model of genetics like immunology is flawed. We need to question it. Genetics is thought of as fixed but it is better understood as constantly evolving and just as the appearance and behavior of animals can be modified by their environment, diet and gene technology, so are humans genetically modified as animals and when you understand this concept, it connects the dots and gives an overview of the ultimate goals of the parasitic overlords and how to avoid their traps.
In farm animals and pets, diet and selective breeding has been the foundation of species evolution. Humans are being farmed in similar ways but the technology for animals and humans has become more advanced and more nefarious. Using injections to modify genetic expression has been around for decades and it is not new.
All polio vaccines were contaminated with SV40 because Salk cultured it on the kidney cells of the African green monkey because it was the closest genetically to humans.
The SV40 enters the body and is placed into a position to block t-cell receptors. T-cells recognize and binds to antigens on abnormal cells, cancer cells, and cells infected with a virus and as a result, over time cancer develops. One can think of "viruses" as computer programs, instructions given to the body to carry out and when you add in EMF radiation, the cancer will worsen. It is a multi-faceted attack, where the payload can be delivered later and graphene oxide holds the S40 in place.
According to a NIH study, in 1974, Rudolph Jaenisch and Beatrice Mintz infected mouse embryos with SV40 virus and showed that the viral DNA was integrated in the germ line. This is key to how they are able to genetically alter mice. So genetic modification of humans via vaccines is also not new.
Dr Kevin McKernan found SV40 sequences were present in the covid19 vaccines. His work has been replicated in many labs around the world - even FDA, EMA & Health Canada have admitted the presence of SV40 sequence, which is historically present in order to facilitate entry into the nuclear membrane where the RNA and DNA is.
The SV40 promoter in the Pfizer vaccine is known to bind to the Tumor Suppressor Gene p53. Drayman et al. This was the sequence Pfizer hid from the FDA and if you have lipid nanoparticles that are encapsulating this material, you now have a Trojan horse to get into the cells as well. Pfizer has since acquired blood cancer companies.

The body can remove this toxin but beware many popular protocols are doing harm because they are loaded with PGP inhibitors, ALDH inhibitors, cause liver and kidney poisoning. Learn more
You want to avoid products that mimic the properties of graphene oxide which includes zeolites and fulvic acid, and pulsed radiation devices. You want to avoid being close to any mobile phone tower that could potentially send out pulsed radiation. Ideally you want to remove the poison from your body and understand how the body detoxifies.
The cure lies in nature, in water fasting, clean water, sunshine, movement, herbs, oils like castor oil and pine oil, breath, nutrition that the body detoxifies and heals.
This post is from Facebook, and he also talks about a millionaire who took the jab and had access to all the top bio-hacking protocols including blood cleaning and he died of a massive heart attack. Bio-hacking is experimental especially in the long term.
So many doctors are clueless as well because they are not able to re-calibrate what they know based on the new circumstances and unlearn preconceived ideas on health, which includes questioning the very foundations of what believe to be true and learn about how the body actually works.
Would people eat from an obese chef? Why do people follow doctors who may be against the jab but end up in ICU themselves after covid, or who poisoned their liver with ivermectin or who are sick with cancer and/or simply not in optimal health?

The body has intelligent design, and when given the right ingredients and time it will heal but these bio-weapons contain a payload that when they have entered the body, need to be removed or they will continue to replicate and cause damage, eventually leading to disease and premature death. We don't know what else was put into the payload but we can observe that amyloids, which is a result of protein misfolding must have been part of the instructions. Think of rubbery, white clots as amyloids.
Here's a video posted thirteen years ago discussing how the brain integrates seamlessly with nano-chips and this technology could also have been integrated into the jabs as well. Anything that makes your body like an internal antennae, you really want to avoid.
Genes can also be altered by chemicals in the environment. Atrazine, a common herbicide, can chemically castrate male frogs, making them unable to reproduce, it can turn male frogs into females, can cause tadpoles to develop both male and female gonads, can reduce the growth of the larynx in developing male larvae, can disrupt normal gonadal development in developing males and can cause a 10-fold decrease in plasma testosterone in sexually mature males.
As it turns out, many chemicals humans are exposed to, either through the environment, skin contact, ingestion or injection will also affect gene expression. Genes that malfunction, cause lead to disease. Food is not just food. It alters gene expression.
If you consider domesticated pigs, when they escape or are released into the wild, within months they will grow, tusks, thick hair and become more aggressive. The environment directly affects behavior and gene expression.
So now consider that highly toxic chemicals are being sprayed on large areas in Queensland, including food growing areas, private property and this is being done by helicopter, drones and foot, on areas that do not have fire ants and multiple times a year. The poison has been found in waterways and is bio-accumulating. Animals have died. People are reporting medical issues. Source of map:
The environment is being poisoned and people are being genetically altered; that is the end goal will be early death, sterilization, increased rates of cancer, heart disease, etc.. It is like one big Science experiment! As former Minister for Health, Greg Hunt famously stated the c19 vaccine was 'the largest clinical trial ever'.
I interviewed Trevor Hold, from South East Queensland and a write up and interview can be found.

It is an important watch on how they will try and use biosecurity laws to enter properties. In this case, it is to spray pesticide, three time a year for non-existent fire ants but biosecurity laws can be used for a whole host of excuses including the culling of livestock. It's really important to know your rights, that you can refuse entry but if you are not home, they may enter your property anyway. Become politically active because this battle is not something winnable by a few. A lot more people need to speak up and lobby politicians to end this madness. People are literally under siege from their own government.
However it is not only humans that are under attack they are culling wild brumbies and donkeys. This is an anti-life agenda.
Toxic chemicals entering the bloodstream via skin absorption can injure individual organs or groups of organs.
"The average woman uses 12 products on her skin daily which can contain upwards of 100 different chemicals – most of them with little to no safety testing and many of them with proven harmful effects such as immunotoxicity, hormonal imbalance, reproductive/fetal harm, infertility, PCOS, autoimmunity, and cancer.
Phthalates are one of the most heavily studied environmental toxins used widely in the personal care industry with dangerous health effects documented in hundreds of studies worldwide. Not only do their metabolites show up in your urine, but men with higher concentrations of phthalate metabolites in their urine also demonstrated decreased total sperm count and concentration as well as altered sperm morphology.
More than 200 chemicals have been found in the body of nearly all Americans – including newborn infants – and the majority of them have toxic or potentially toxic effects. These chemicals are frequently absorbed via the skin and respiratory system. 16 different hormone-disrupting chemicals, linked to early puberty, hormonal imbalances, reproductive concerns, PCOS and more, were found in the bodies of teenage girls.
Currently, more than 85,000 chemicals are registered for use in the marketplace with the vast majority of them with little to no safety testing Only 2% of the chemicals in the marketplace have been verified for safe use on children"
Chemicals in laundry detergent, and personal care products are a source of exposure, as are perfumes, fragrances, and disinfectant sprays, etc.
Over 10,000 industrial chemicals used to formulate personal care products today and poisoning people as the skin soaks chemicals up like a sponge, where they end up distributed throughout the body.
I've seen reports that say anywhere from 200 to 500 chemicals in a women's everyday routine. A lot of cream, like what you're going to put on your skin has paraben. When it comes to cosmetics, parabens are in pretty much everything; moisturizer is going to have parabens in their system for the last 50 years.
Fragrance that one little word can hide hundreds of individual chemicals.
mRNA Vaccines in Food
mRNA vaccines have now been approved for salmon, pork and fowl in America. Recently, I was notified by a Linkedin connection that my post on salmon being vaccinated was removed from Linkedin without notification, no strikes, no emails, simply scrubbed as though it never existed. This is when you know you are over the target.
On that post, I wrote, "Professor Pall Thordarson, Director of the UNSW RNA Institute says, “The mRNA vaccine technology is going to be another powerful tool in our biosecurity toolkit and in this project we have shown that we are capable of rapidly making that tool here in Australia.”
The Licensed Veterinary Biological Product Information can be found
In Australia, there is currently no mRNA vaccines licensed for use, only pilot projects with the first one completed on BDV and they are now moving on to emergency animal disease vaccines.
Emergency use, will mean they can do similar to COVID where they can suspend normal legal due process and vaccinate whole herds of animals and if animals die afterwards, they can simply say, it was caused by the "virus" and currently the Australian government is busy altering the Gene Technology Act, with public submissions now closed to make all of this gene jabs, so much easier to deploy. See for more details. Webinar-
They also plan to synthetically alter agriculture and the Act will be amended to make it easier for industry to "innovate" and interestingly they say "human beings are not considered to be GMOs for the purposes of this scheme".
Biosecurity, increased yields, protection from pests and health are all being used as reasons to alter food genetically. An article from the University of California talks about research, where “a single plant would produce enough mRNA to vaccinate a single person,” said Juan Pablo Giraldo, an associate professor in UC Riverside’s Department of Botany and Plant Sciences who is leading the research, done in collaboration with scientists from UC San Diego and Carnegie Mellon University.
“We are testing this approach with spinach and lettuce and have long-term goals of people growing it in their own gardens,” Giraldo said. “Farmers could also eventually grow entire fields of it.”

The reasoning behind this technology is to alter the genetic expression of life, which can also be altered by poisoning. Pesticides in foods, chemical fertilizers, drugs and alcohol all damage DNA and chromosomes and then they will sell you the solution, genetic based therapies!!
Traditional farming under attack
Traditional farming that is close to nature is under attack and it will become increasingly expensive to buy natural, organically grown food. Just as natural birth has been hijacked by modern medicine, so too is traditional farms, especially generational family farms being swallowed up.
They have various tools to do this from, using the Green Agenda and creating a bureaucracy that by design will increase costs for farmers or imposing taxation, carbon offsets, and various fees on farmers, like in the UK, where an inheritance tax on the back of a poor harvest will bring an industry to its knees,
“They’re destroying an industry that’s already on its knees and struggling, absolutely struggling, mentally, emotionally and physically. We need government support, not more hindrance, so we can produce food to feed the nation.”
And we have Amazon's Jeff Bezos, who has donated $9.4 million to a project at the Pirbright Institute in Surrey, which is trying to develop a vaccine that will reduce the amount of methane-producing microbes in the stomachs of cows and various incentives to farmers to not plant crops or lure them into "too good to be true", wind energy farm schemes that will cost them huge amounts in the long term.
In Australia, the freight train of regulations under "sustainability" will also impact farming dramatically.
It's not all bad news though, as regenerative farming is riding on the tail winds of the Agenda being pushed and there are many in this space using the opportunity to improve farming practices to heal the earth.
Endangered species under attack
Why do you think that after decades of awareness on endangered species, they continue to be endangered or extinct? I was listening to a very interesting talk by a lion keeper who described all the regulations on breeding and keeping endangered species and how these particular lions of which there were only less than a 100 remaining in the world, were going to be made extinct. He spoke about how there was a time, one of them needed to be re-homed because it did not get along with the other lions and due to all the red tape, it was hours away from being euthanized.
It came to me that all the talk about saving endangered animals was double speak. The hidden hand behind the agenda actually wants to kill all organic species.
This is the big picture, they want to destroy life because they are anti-life.
Humans have been conditioned to believe that birth is difficult and dangerous, and raising a child is expensive but the opposite is true. Children are an asset especially raised in close knit families, and birth is easy and painless when there is no fear.
Irradiated Food

While it's well known the toxic pesticides harm health, it's not very well known that there are facilities in Australia that are irradiating both imported and local foods. I was shocked to learn that fresh food is being irradiated with the equivalent of 10 million x-rays!!
Biosecurity is again being weaponized to poison and deplete the nutritional quality of the food supply and x-rays produce unknown toxins in the food. The food x-rayed is being energetically harmed.
And while it's illegal to sell irradiated cat food because cats died eating it, irradiated food for humans is deemed safe because the government agencies say so.
Phytosanitary irradiation is a sterilising treatment that uses wavelengths of energy including X-ray and gamma ray that kill or sterilise pests that are considered a biosecurity threat. The treatment is an alternative to other existing end-point treatments including fumigation (e.g. methyl bromide, ethyl formate), chemical dips and sprays (dimethoate), vapor heat treatment and cold disinfestation.
When asked if irradiation affects the nutritional properties of the food, FSANZ says "permitted radiation dose for fresh fruit and vegetables do not pose a nutritional risk to the population"(whatever that means) and links to no studies.
Full report that lists companies that sell irradiated fresh produce
To date, Food Standards Australia and New Zealand have approved herbs, herbal infusions, and a wide variety of fruits and vegetables including blueberries, raspberries, mangoes, mangosteens, pawpaws, carambolas, breadfruits, custard apples, lychees, longans, rambutans, persimmons, tomatoes, capsicums, apples, apricots, cherrries, nectarines, peachers, plums, honeydew, rock melon, strawberries, table grapes, zucchini and squash.
"The following is a podcast from 2020, that discusses irradiated food coming to market. It's particularly disturbing that the industry has decided that because consumers don't want irradiated food, they want to sell it without labeling and this will allow them to expand the amount of fresh produce they can irradiate.
Radiation Exposure to radiation changes the composition of the food producing “radiolytic products” including free radicals, various hydrocarbons, formaldehyde, amines, furan and 2-alkylcyclobutanones (2-ACBs) (FSANZ A1092).” (A1193, SD1 p 15) Some of these may be harmful. “Furan is carcinogenic to rats and mice, and is classified by IARC as possibly carcinogenic to human beings (Seok et al. 2013) (A1193, SD1 p 19). 2-ACBs have been linked to DNA damage in humans and cancer in rats.
FSANZ does not deny that radiolytic products may be harmful; FSANZ (CFS A1193, p 2) states that:
“Radiolytic compounds generated through food irradiation are not produced at levels that are likely to result in harm.”
But the levels can change.
There is no guarantee that FSANZ will not approve an increase in the permitted radiation exposure levels. Already, some foods, herbs, spices and plants for herbal infusions are approved at much higher levels. The CODEX general standard, which FSANZ refers to expand permits, allows irradiation up to 10kGy, significantly more that the 1kGy requested in this application." Source (
RFK as Secretary for Health
Robert F Kennedy Jr will be appointed secretary of health under the Trump administration will have a flow on effect to the rest of the world. Ultimately, it's the people that will determine how much his tenure can achieve but he is saying all the right things.
When it comes to health, we cannot isolate it from the environment. It is intrinsically tied together and if we live in a poisoned world, we too are poisoned.
"America's current agriculture policy is destroying America's health on every level. It's destroying the economic health of farmers forcing them to get big or get out.It also destroys the health of America's soil and water by tilting the playing field in favor of more chemicals or herbicides more insecticides, more concentrated monocrops and finally it destroys the health of consumers.Not only do the chemicals pollute our bodies the same way they pollute the soil but corporate interests have hijacked the USDA dietary guidelines to make natural unprocessed foods clearly an afterthought.
That's why 70% of the American diet now consists of ultra processed food. We are going to change that. We are going to give farmers and off ramp from the current system that destroys their health and wrecks the soil and makes Americans sick and destroys family farms.We are going to rewrite the regulations. We are going to encourage sustainable regenerative farming that can rebuild soil, and replenish aquifers.We are going to ban the worst agricultural chemicals that are already prohibited in other countries and we are going to remove conflicts of interest from the USDA dietary panel." RFK - full speech below
Jullian Michaels concisely lays it out as called structural violence. We have reached a critical juncture in human history. Infertility rates are the highest ever. Early-onset cancer diagnoses are up 79% over the last three decades. 74% of adults in America are overweight or obese. Health-related conditions are the number one cause of bankruptcy.
"It is hard to be healthy in America because it is difficult “by design. 1. Big farming proliferates these cheap, toxic calories. 2. Big food picks up those calories and tinkers with them a bit more with their food scientists to make them more addictive and omnipresent.3. Then Big Pharma catches us on the other side and starts treating all of our sicknesses with their pills for every ill.“
We need change. We need it now. What they're doing isn't working, and it's not working on purpose because it's profitable for the very few.”
The attack on food is multifaceted because it is a battle of Big Agriculture, Big Food, Big Pharma and the Insurance/Finance Cartel versus the small producers. The former is making people sick and selling pharmaceuticals and supplements as the "cure" and it is a highly profitable business model.
The direction they want to move towards is synthetic food; either grown from stem cells in a lab and 3D printed or chemically altered synthetic proteins. Insect food seems to have been a bit of a failure but they are sneaking the protein into snack foods, like Tim Tams.
Rapid advances in precision fermentation, the programming of microorganisms to produce almost any complex organic molecule, (otherwise called Food-as-Software).
With individual molecules engineered by scientists uploaded to databases – molecular cookbooks that food engineers anywhere in the world can use to design products in the same way that software developers design apps, drastically reducing the cost of protein would have the consequence of reducing demand for animal products due to price.
All of this is an extension of ultra-processed food, where food technology takes out the soil, the land, the water and relies on laboratories to synthetically make "food" in the same way as replicators did in Star Trek.
"You are what you eat" is a common saying and it is so true because what we eat becomes part of us. Scientifically, it can be shown that ultra processed food alters the neural connections in your brain, after only 4 weeks on the this diet, there is a decline in cognitive abilities, and a building of pathways from reward centres to those that govern automatic, repetitive behavior.
We also know that drugs affect the mind because of the gut-brain connection. Dr Zac Bush makes this profound statement.
"Ibuprofen as a scary one. So ibuprofen long before it goes to damage a kidney, one of the first things it does is damage the tight junctions in the gut lining and the tight junctions look like velcro they hold billions of cells together called epithelial cells to create this boundary event between the bacteria and your immune system and that boundary is literally your cellular sense of self-identity.
So we have Ibuprofen and we destroy all of the velcro in a moment and hours after your headache goes away your gut, is leaking information into your immune system and you have now lost your cellular sense of self-identity and if you stay on that ibuprofen chronically because you get a migraine every two times a week and you're on these high doses of ibuprofen for two three days at a time, suddenly your sense of self identity is disappearing at the cellular level and you start to get dysfunction between immune system and the bacteria and so you start to get infections and so this vicious cycle between you know undermining the gut brain barrier and your true sense of self-identity is pretty dark and to realize that our brain is really the result of all of this communication from the bacteria and fungi rather than some human event is a startling new science."
Fluoride in the water leds to a decline in IQ and it's purpose was also to make the population docile and easier to control.
Humans have for a long time, by various means been genetically altered using chemicals, via food technology and the latest assault is via gene technology in both foods and vaccines. The medical model of is also moving to mRNA technology with Australia investing billions into research and development because they can program mRNA to deliver the payload.
One could also consider blue light technology and 5G as another way humans are being modified as the eyes are receptors that connect to the brain, that regulates many bodily functions.
As I was researching this week I was staggered to find, that according to information compiled from 2013–23 through the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, children are accessing psychiatric medication at unprecedented levels.
Stimulant prescriptions went up from 101 per 1000 people under 18 in 2013 to 380 per 1000 in 2023 – an increase of 276%.
Antidepressants went up 165% from 2013 and are now at a rate of 196 prescriptions per 1000, with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) scripts tripling in that time.
Although anti-psychotic medication is still sparsely used by comparison, prescriptions still rose 37%.
How is it that it became common for children to be put on drugs and while we can blame over zealous doctors who follow the pharma script, it is actually the parents that allowed this to happen in the first place?
For many years, I was quite isolated from society having children, home birthing, homeschooling, running a business online and because I detached from the culture of society, my 11 children have never seen a doctor for illness, never had a single dose of even over the counter drugs, let alone prescription. So much so, that when Child Protection came knocking in 2011, started because of a false report, they actually used their power to subject my children to health checks and found them healthy.
It was really confronting, that I thought I was "normal" and realized that the way I was living in a way that would have been very normal, 100 years ago was in fact seen as a pariah and threatening to the Establishment.
The vast majority of people are absorbed by the culture of pill popping and fast food and even if they know it's not right, it's very hard to break away from. The articles below discusses what I have learnt about health recovering from heart failure induced by shedding. .
It is a journey; a transformation that starts within. In a toxic world, it requires effort and discipline to be healthy and there is a high price to pay to achieve it but it's so worth it because our physical health is also very much tied to our emotional, mental and spiritual well being. We do not want to be genetically modified by poisons especially not those that have their origin in a lab.
The bioweapon released is real; whatever it is, we don't really fully know but it is also designed to alter humans whether by shedding, infection or injection; with the later being the most toxic. It turned out to be a gift for me to go to war against it and figure out how to beat it and I can tell you there is a lot of misleading and harmful information in the truth freedom movement.
Depopulation has always been the goal because the agenda is anti-life. They corralled people into various camps. Each side fighting the other side solidifies their belief systems and locks people into binary thinking so they cannot see what is in front of their eyes because it doesn't align with a certain side they have chosen.
What they unleashed on the world was unforgiveable.
My interview with Dr Kevin McCairn has reached over 28K across over Rumble and Youtube. The interview with bioweapons expert Prof. Francis Boyle was gaining too much traction on Youtube and taken down but is still available on Rumble.
The McCairn interview is really is the best explanation of what was unleashed and why we are seeing so many neurological issues, sudden deaths, cancers, activation of prior illnesses and immune dysfunction across the board, even in children.
I have detailed what I have done to heal under the Health tab .
The current trajectory that we are on, will include many deaths because most people will not do what it takes to be healthy. The bar is far higher than what it was pre-covid.
I know this is a long article and I didn't even touch on gender reassignment or genetic targeting in jabs. As Kevin and I discussed below it is a survival of the fittest meets running the gauntlet test of who will overcome. Many things have already been set in motion that cannot be reversed and we are already seeing an unbelievable numbers of deaths and illness, people losing their minds.
It is a battle against those who want to destroy the natural world as we know it and it has simply accelerated with gene technology coming out of the shadows and into full view.
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