Enemy of the State

11 min read
Enemy of the State

How does 2 principals and a school teacher become the enemies of the State? The media is reporting that 4 police officers performing a welfare check, were ambushed at a remote property by 2 school principals and a school teacher, whose extremist views include being anti-vax , self sufficient, having solar panels, personal security and questioning the government.

One of the principals is on public record for raising complaints against the school system to Parliament. By all accounts, people who were part of the system and supported it. This is a principal who raised concerns about Naplan cheating with Mark Latham in March 2022. Someone who was prepared to stand up to the system with integrity.

According to news reports, "For most of his teaching career, Nathaniel Train was feted as a success. The 46-year-old primary school principal had been lauded for lifting results at disadvantaged schools; teachers admired him, parents sought him out and students liked him.

None of those who worked with Train at his most recent principal post, Walgett Community College Primary School in north-west NSW, could explain how the mind of a man known for helping kids deteriorated to the point where he could be involved in cold-blooded murder.

But they said a turning point in his life came in August 2021, when Train suffered a massive heart attack at school. It took staff and doctors a long time to revive him; he was near death. At that point, he stopped work. He was angry with the department. He had no fixed address." (Source https://www.smh.com.au/national/queensland/as-a-principal-he-was-feted-for-his-success-now-he-s-linked-to-two-police-killings-20221213-p5c601.html)

The narrative peddled by the media is clear. It was the influence of his brother and sister in law and their conspiracy views that led him to become a murderer.

"If Train did spend time with his conspiracy theorist brother and sister-in-law on their remote Queensland property, the trauma from his heart attack and his anger at NSW education authorities might have made him more open to sharing their views."

Below is the kind of dedication Train exhibited. In March 2022, he sent 16 emails to NSW Department of Education secretary Georgina Harrisson in two weeks and Mark Latham MP raised his concerns in May 2022.

Does this sound like a person that saw himself as an enemy of the State, when he is actively engaged with the system to try and bring about change, even after he suffered a heart attack, likely as a result of mandates?

It is alleged that the principal, was injured by the government jab mandate and that he had been harassed by the police. We don't know what information the principals had in their positions and whether that information was sufficient to be deemed a threat but it does seem disproportionate to the threat that a bear cat tank is brought in to the "siege". There are only 2 such vehicles in Queensland, and yet within a space of 8-13 hours, somehow one of these vehicles plus a helicopter is brought in to such a remote property.

I think there are a lot of questions that need to be asked about who authorized such actions? Why 4 police officers were sent to what was described as a routine welfare check for a missing person (who they manage to kill)? Why was the neighbour left for dead on the road for 13 hours? The widow of the neighbour describes her account of the situation and how her husband ran off to see what was going on, and ends up killed on the road. Did he see something he wasn't meant to see?  https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=676294153895523

The footage of the killing of the principals and the teacher is very disturbing. There was no negotiation, no hostage situation that warranted such drastic action. These were highly regarded people in the community and even if they were tipped over the edge by what happened to them as a result of government decisions, is mental illness a good enough reason for the execution style take down of these Australians. Why not deescalate the situation, instead of going in with all guns blazing?

Jeanee Rose Andrewartha on LinkedIn: Seriously disturbing that 2 principals and a school teacher were shot dead… | 22 comments
Seriously disturbing that 2 principals and a school teacher were shot dead by police and this is called courage. No negotiation. No investigation. Even if… | 22 comments on LinkedIn
Jeanee Rose Andrewartha on LinkedIn: The media is reporting that 4 police officers performing a welfare check… | 29 comments
The media is reporting that 4 police officers performing a welfare check, were ambushed at a remote property by 2 school principals and a school teacher, whose… | 29 comments on LinkedIn

The reporting on this case in the media has been relentless. A video that allegedly shows Gareth saying "They came to kill us and we killed them". How the media can paint a person who had strong personal and professional standards as some crazed lunatic is unbelievable. Very convenient that all three were killed and there is only one side of the story and the other witness, the neighbour, also dead.

‘We killed them’: Extremist views of police shooters exposed in video posted night of massacre
Haunting vision from Gareth and Stacey Train which appears to be filmed on the night of the police shooting reveals the extent of their extremist views. WARNING: This story contains content that readers may find distressing.

It reminds me of the case of the mysterious disappearance of Alan Hashem's god son who has autism, that vanished from his rural property, only to turn up days later in different clothes as though nothing had happened. Security camera footage on the property of the disappearance went missing. https://7news.com.au/sunrise/on-the-show/theres-footage-missing-twist-in-search-for-nsw-boy-feared-abducted-c-3883201

The widely held view at the time, was that Alan had been silenced but good to see that he did make a come back after some months. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10011217/Anthony-AJ-Elfalaks-godfather-shunned-conspiracy-theorists-shutting-anti-vax-group.html Bear in mind though, this was all happening at the height of the mandates, when authorities were determined to get as many people jabbed as possible. Any information that comes up now about the jab, is essentially moot, because most people have made up their minds, either way.

However since that time, the booster uptake has crashed and millions of doses of covid19 vaccines have been thrown out.


Catastrophic Contagion was a pandemic simulation hosted by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in partnership with WHO and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, held at Grand Challenges Annual Meeting in Brussels, Belgium, on 23rd October 2022

The Catastrophic Contagion pandemic simulation featured a fictional Enterovirus, called SEERS (Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome 2025), which originates in Brazil, before spreading to the rest of the world. Enteroviruses are a group of RNA viruses (including those causing polio and hepatitis A) which typically occur in the gastrointestinal tract, sometimes spreading to the central nervous system or other parts of the body. The SEERS Enterovirus in this simulation disproportionately affects children and young people, resulting in a billion cases worldwide and 20 million deaths.

As part of this simulation it was decided that "countries need to collaborate to anticipate that  (mis and disinformation) threat and be prepared to combat it with their own laws and procedures. Concertedly exploring ways to address this phenomena on a national level in advance of the next  pandemic will be crucial to saving lives"

It seems their new strategy is going to be a direct attack on the credibility of people who hold opposing views and weaponizing labels such as conspiracy theorist.


And on cue, "On Thursday, Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil announced that intelligence agencies were looking at their response to online extremism, and that the internet was “turbocharging” conspiracy theories, especially those related to the recent pandemic response.

Federal opposition leader and ex-Queensland police officer Peter Dutton gave an emotional speech on Thursday, in which he also offered support if the government moved to gain greater access to encrypted apps where, he said, much of the online conspiracy chatter takes place.

University of Queensland’s Professor Jolanda Jetten has published extensively on the motivations of conspiracy theorists, including in relation to the recent pandemic.

She said the motivations that lead people to believe in conspiracy theories are complex and it was hard to extrapolate broad patterns of behaviour from a single incident." Source ( https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/national/queensland/experts-urge-caution-in-policy-response-to-deadly-qld-shootout-20221215-p5c6le.html )

Across the Tasman, New Zealand has classed people interested in politics, who hold views contrary to the government on c19 measures as potential terrorists. What they describe as "a hotbed of ideology and conspiracy theories"

Yes that's right. You can't hold an opposing view or "us versus them" mentality but isn't this division exactly what the government is creating; marginalizing a whole group of people based on a political view instead of addressing concerns?

New Zealand govt booklets being released telling the public that if they suspect their friends or family are opposing govt policies, incl COVID measures, they should be reported for investigation. Wasn't this how Nazi Germany used the public to bring about compliance, by having people report on each other?

This is a disturbing turn of events, that people who are living in a remote area, are visited by police in their home, that ultimately results in 6 deaths. The media is saying that they laid a trap for police to entice them to come but if this true, then how incompetent is the police force to send 4 rookie cops to an ambush.

You can hardly get a police officer to turn up when a crime has been committed and yet, they send out an army of officers, a bear cat and helicopter to a property in the middle of no-where to have a gun fight with people who obviously believed they were in danger and if you were sitting in your quiet home and suddenly armed men and women appeared on your door step, maybe you would think the same too!

None of this makes sense, except that there is more to it than meets the eye.

And since the media has brought up the topic of Port Arthur, it is prudent to bring up this case due to it's similarities. The only witnesses to the "killings" in Port Arthur were the police and Martin has never been tried in Court. The precision of the killings was such, that only an elite SAS shooter could have done the deed.

And due to what happened in Port Arthur, Australia completely changed the gun laws. Australia’s 1996 National Firearms Agreement (NFA) banned several types of firearms and resulted in the government buying hundreds of thousands of the banned weapons from their owners.

The Port Arthur Massacre: Was Martin Bryant ... - Nexus Magazine - MOAM.INFO
JULY 2006 www.nexusmagazine.com. NEXUS • 11. Australians reacted with horror and outrage when, on the evening of...

Detective Exposes Port Arthur Massacre that Disarmed Australians

Part two of a lecture given at the Inverell forum 2001 detailing the myths and spin around this obviously false flag operation. listen to the information and see for yourself how many holes there are in the official version of events surrounding the Pt Arthur massacre.

By Carl Wernerhoff. It’s been 10 years since the massacre at Port Arthur, Tasmania, but authorities still ignore concerns that there is no firm evidence implicating Martin Bryant as the gunman.
By Carl Wernerhoff. More than two months after the massacre at Port Arthur, Tasmania, Martin Bryant still knew nothing of the incident, and the transcript of his police interview suggests he was incapable of comprehending that he’d been set up.
By Carl Wernerhoff. Martin Bryant could never have perpetrated the horrendous massacre at Port Arthur in 1996 because he wasn’t even there. Instead, it’s likely he was already in police custody.

UPDATE 20th December 2022:

New information has come to light, that the property owned by the Trains is in the middle of where more gas wells and a pipeline is planned to go.

Interestingly, the Police Union plan to buy the property. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-12-20/queensland-police-shooting-union-tara-buy-property-retreat-train/101790882

"Union president Ian Leavers said he did not want the land to "fall into the wrong hands".

"The last thing we want to see is the anti-vaxxers, pro-gun, conspiracy theorists to get this land and use it for their own warped and dangerous views," Mr Leavers said.

In a bizarre twist, suggested uses are for a retreat or training centre; despite there being no water in this remote area and that the location is in the middle of a mining area for Cold Seam Gas, that even residents have had enough due to health problems. “We are at the stage where we just don’t want to be here any more. We are like the other guys, we just want out,’’ Tara resident John Jenkyn said.

Ready to abandon town to gas miner
“ONE out, all out!” is the chant coming out of the poor community and coal seam gas hub of Tara, population 3000.

This video shows  where the Train property was in relation to the cold seam gas mining.

Uncensored wisdom
Truth about the killings in Queensland. https://couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/tara-residents-want-out-as-coal-seam-gas-mining-takes-hold/news-story/58e93ce2d812b42cccc0430fdeb0b5a8

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