There are pivotal places, events and people in your life, that change your world view and you are never the same, which I will refer to as activation points or shifts in consciousness. I remember when days would pass of familiar faces and routines, and one's outlook in life stayed relatively unchanged from year to year. Now the number of activation points and shifts are happening at accelerated numbers and frequency,
I remember vividly in February 2020, on the dance floor at my brother's wedding, a vision came over me and that moment I knew that the world was never going to be the same again. I felt the shift so powerfully even though at the time I had no idea how bad things would get. Back then, I did not know that the orders were coming from the military, the plan had been decades in the making, that mind control technology, weather warfare and biological weapons would be deployed and both the media and the controlled opposition already selected to play their part to influence the population to go against their natural instincts of self-preservation and that on a personal level I would lose my Dad who took 2 shots that came from batches the TGA under freedom of information documents were deemed highly toxic or I would be affected by shedding from the bio-weapon and go into heart failure where my heart function dropped to 15%, that brought to me into this fight in a very personal way.
I know my story is one of many, where we had no choice but to learn to stand in our power and truth or be drowned in the sea of disillusionment and fear. My daughter reminded me that the tree that experiences wind is far stronger than the tree that does not and what a storm it has been and there is far more to come.
We are undergoing an evolutionary shift in the backdrop of social and political upheaval and changes to the earth's magnetosphere. Depending who you speak to, these changes are cataclysmic or an al-chemical transformation. An argument could be made that it is both; depending on who you are.
The old world is dying. Self-serving politicians, bureaucrats and celebrities who are slaves to lobby groups that push their agendas and the hidden hands of power have destroyed the social contract and public trust is at historic lows; selfishness and cynicism are abound and relationships have been either strengthened or severed. There is no going back and turbulent waters lie ahead but beyond that beautiful world beyond our wildest dreams.

My purpose for writing and speaking is to make a difference in people's lives and it's difficult work in the backdrop of a media that is pushing fear and division, misdirection and harm.
Recently, serendipity would have me meet Melissa Jolly Graves online and we recorded this interview of her healing naturally and holistically from neuroblastoma. To my shock, within a couple of hours, Youtube had removed it. There was nothing all that controversial that should have got it banned.
Melissa and I share similar journeys in that we thought we were spiritually invincible until hit with life threatening illness that required us to look holistically at every aspect our lives. It's a very beautiful, heart-centred and inspiring conversation but it was so much more because it connected health to one's spirituality.
Melissa was diagnosed with cancer (neuroblastoma) in 2020 which is a deadly and aggressive cancer. Typically a cancer of children, doctors did not know how to deal with it as it presented in Melissa as an adult. She became very sick and started going through paralysis, losing mental capabilities, losing the ability to walk and having to use a walker. She could not wake up at points, and her family would have to shake her for 45 minutes at a time for her to regain consciousness.
The disease went to her brain, it affected her liver, her back, her adrenals, her pituitary gland, her thyroid, her hypothalamus. Her body was shutting down and she felt completely helpless.
She was not used to being on the receiving end of treatment, as an energy practitioner and nurse and it was a huge journey to expand her understanding of health and spirituality, heal from trauma and use natural medicine (herbs and supplements), plant based whole food nutrition and many healing modalities including exercise, gym, light therapy, sauna, HBOT, fever baths, water fasting, IV vitamin C, colon cleansing, parasite cleanses, gut health to recover and not only did she recover from neuroblastoma with normal labs and increased vitality, but she also healed herself of scoliosis, diverticulitis, colitis and chondrosis.
An incredible testimony to the power of faith, hope and love and how one can heal from any chronic disease, how it impacted her relationships and the lessons she learned in the journey. These stories are so important to share, especially to anyone facing a terminal diagnosis or experiencing a chronic disease. Holistic healing encompasses; body, mind and spirit.
The choice all of us are asked to make is stark. Artificial or natural; fake or genuine; mindlessly or purpose; deep connection or superficial relationships. Are we all in or not? And it was made so clear to us in our healing journeys, that it was all in or all over.
The New World Order, whatever branding it comes under is built on the artificial, mindlessness, superficial relationships and lack of authenticity. We all have free will and a choice; life or death, peace or war.
Many people have asked me, what I think is happening in the world especially in regards to American politics, and whether Trump is genuine or not; if he is the first beast of the book of Revelations to bring in SMART city enslavement under digital ID, social credit and mass surveillance and the rebuilding of the third temple to usher in the new world order or is he is going to dismantle the deep state, restore the Republic, end wars, and bring back prosperity and health to the West.
For the purposes of this article, I don't want to go into this but I was sent a free e-book by a Linkedin connection, "The book uncovers the realities of his populist promises and questions whether he truly challenged the status quo—or reinforced it. As the world order evolves, this is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the forces behind today’s political landscape."
You can request a free copy of the book in this link
Research is important - to separate rhetoric from reality
I was replaying an interview I recorded with Dr Richard Fleming and in it, he said to me that if he encourages students to research and look for themselves because then they will "get it" but if he tells them they will soon forget.
Politicians only have the power that we the people allow them to have. When we outsource our bodily autonomy, our thinking and decision making, our conscience; that has been the cause of all suffering in this world. Narcissists gravitate to positions of power, that is the alpha predator law of the jungle and while our society is structured in a pyramid top down military style system, while it can be highly efficient and constructive with good leadership, be incredibly destructive without wisdom and truth.
Ultimately, politicians really don't have the power that people think they do. It's only because of the consent of the majority and whether it's a benevolent or malicious leader/dictator, we should be wary to invest too much energy in what's happening out there, because it's the inner work that really counts.
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The tribal circle of elders model of respected leaders sharing in a town square fashion perspectives, wisdom, knowledge and decision making to benefit the whole community is far from the reality that we are in of self interested lobby groups, mafia bloodlines and Satanic agendas driven by insatiable desires.
Expanding on this idea, I am going to return to my story of meeting Melissa.
Someone on Facebook had posted of her miraculous recovery from neuroblastoma and when I went to look at her profile and I found this curious video where she was talking to an orb that was moving around the room and that orb turned out to be the spirit of an autistic girl, who Melissa later connected to in real life after the girl's mother found Melissa.
Have a look at the video yourself using the link below. It is mind blowing.

I have had many spiritual experiences myself and it's often taboo to speak of these experiences because we live in this materialist matrix, where the spiritual has been portrayed as craziness, and I believe deliberately to prevent people from accessing the divine and normalizing spirituality. When I was 18, for a period of three hours when I spoke another language came out of my mouth and not English and I have seen spirits too, while awake and in my dreams and when I was intubated, I appeared to my daughter in a dream and told her that I was going to live. I have had many experiences and to meet Melissa and record an interview together was probably too much for the demons to take.
Telepathy is not simply communicating with other humans but communicating with Source; the divine spirit of Christ - the original, the Creator.
And it came to me that this SMART city, internet of bodies connected to the internet of things world that is being constructed around us, where people are being plugged into the matrix system and their energy harvested whether that's for work or just their emotional energy from the constant scrolling of demon possessed news, drunkenness and debauchery - all of that is a counterfeit. So if it's a counterfeit, what is the real they want to prevent us from accessing?
The real is a spiritually connected and loving people, with powers of healing and powers over the physical world. The ultimate battle between good and evil is not going to be won with more evil but by spiritual people standing in their power and standing in unity and in love. How that looks like for each person will differ but it's a journey that takes one inwards, into the dark night of the soul, to release one's traumas and truly know and love oneself because until one can love oneself, how can one manifest love to others?
The Telepathy Tapes is a game changer because it uses trusted scientific methods to prove to the world that telepathy is real.
A while back, a very good friend told me that autistic children were the indigo children that they had special gifts and that that really went against the narrative that they were damaged. Their purpose is to awaken humanity to higher consciousness and heal the earth. I had to reassess my ideas on autism. These children are highly sensitive and when they are injected with toxins, it also diminishes their connection to Source. I think the waters can be muddied because the symptoms of severely damaged children as a result of poisoning is similar to children whose consciousness is outside of their body.
When you look at a newborn baby, their consciousness has not fully integrated with their body. I remember seeing a video of a baby born as though dead, and the mother gently speaking to him and stroking his cheek and then suddenly life entered into the baby, it gasped for air and cried. Having had near death experiences, where my body became disconnected from my spirit, it was just as this baby phase and though my spirit was fully aware and my body was not behaving and doing it's own thing, as though it was disconnected from me.
A letter board grounds these gifted children back to earth. As the Telepathy Tapes reveals, there were autistic children living in different geographic locations would "meet" up on The Hill in spirit, and these children used the letter boards to tell their parents of their friendships and adventures on "The Hill" (a spiritual place) and then the parents would find each other and connect in the real world. This takes virtual friendship to a whole other level and re-frames the idea that the spirit is held in the body when in fact, the spirit extends well beyond the body.
Think about how truly radical this idea is; the spiritual power that one holds to travel outside the limitations of your physical body and to be able to connect telepathically.
"In a world that often dismisses the extraordinary as mere fantasy, The Telepathy Tapes dares to explore the profound abilities of non-speakers with autism—individuals who have long been misunderstood and underestimated. These silent communicators possess gifts that defy conventional understanding, from telepathy to otherworldly perceptions, challenging the limits of what we believe to be real. For years, their parents and teachers have quietly witnessed these remarkable abilities, knowing that the time to share their truth would eventually come. But now, as the evidence mounts, the time has come to reveal what has been hidden in plain sight.
This groundbreaking series challenges everything we think we know about communication and the human mind, inviting viewers to step into a reality where the impossible is not only possible but happening every day. Through emotional stories and undeniable evidence, The Telepathy Tapes offers a fresh perspective on the profound connections that exist beyond words.
Traveling with Neuroscientist Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell, witnessing mind-boggling telepathy tests and forging deeply intimate relationships with families around the globe - Host Ky Dickens invites you to contemplate the world through the eyes of those who speak without words. Prepare to be captivated, challenged, and ultimately transformed as the series shines a light on the untold capabilities of those who have been underestimated for far too long."

Even Joe Rogan, can't ignore the profound implications of the telepathy tapes.
Now some people might argue that this telepathy and channeling is the work of the devil and it's all one big trap but what's interesting to note is that the CIA has been aware of spiritually gifted children for decades and were using testing to find them and education programs to train them. It's a fear narrative, that prevents people from exploring and untapping their spiritual connection in order to hold them into the physical matrix system.

When I was 18, I was gifted a book by a Christian writer, Mark Virkler "Dialogue with God" and while my understanding has evolved beyond this book, it was a good start to understand how to hear and receive knowledge telepathically from Source and to discern good from evil and over the years, I had 9 births without a midwife, unassisted at home because I could fully trust my connection to the divine. All of my births, even the few I had in birth centres were easy and quick, often only a few contractions ten minutes apart and the baby would emerge in one push.
From birth to finding homes, to car accidents where there was no damage and near misses that seemed to shift me into a different realities temporarily, to casting out evil spirits and speaking calm into the seas and so many signs in the heavens, dreams and visions that came true and at the heart of all of this was faith; to trust in the unseen and to trust in divine protection.
When I think of many things I simply knew before I had the information on hand, like choosing decades ago to walk away from the medical system and vaccines, this knowledge was transferred to me telepathically.
In speaking with Melissa, telepathic powers are enhanced when the body is in good health. It is after all, body, mind and spirit and the oneness of that expression and the jabs (that is all of them) are by design, meant to disconnect us from Source and it is a ritual that society has normalized, like the heel prick Guthrie test, where the baby's first impressions of life are of trauma and separation.
Imprinting is a behavioral trait in which a young animal forms an attachment to the first thing it sees, hears, or touches. It's a crucial learning process that helps animals identify with their species and survive and this is why it is very important for new mothers and fathers to understand because it is a key time of bonding. What is the baby being bonded to?
Birth is a natural and spiritual experience and I explore free birth with Laura Kaplan Shanley, author of Unasssisted Childbirth.
I also explored how the physical and spiritual are connected in this interview with Dr Keryn Johnson and while this is a technical interview, the real lynch pin is that the physical is intrinsically woven into the spiritual.
When I asked Melissa, about telepathy she said "hearing" was a mixture of audible words, images and thoughts coming through and what she gifted me was not to be afraid of being wrong, of getting out of my depth, of being deceived and I have had the most incredible experiences on the beach where I felt the Spirit so strongly that I spoke calm to the water and in floating, I surrendered to be immersed in nature fully and felt the divine wash over me and as I left the water, called upon the waves to return.
I have had a great deal of time to think about 'what is the way out' of this mess that is unfolding around us and in other articles I explored the Disinformation Ecosystem, the Satanic world order, Mind Control, Bio-weapons and I have come to the conclusion that the antidote or solution for all of this darkness and advanced technology is spiritual connection and strong relationships.
If people understand the end goal is not death but disconnection of your soul from the divine, then anything that takes away from that connection must be removed. The work starts with each and everyone of us. It is not out there. It is within and as the inner transforms, the world outside does too.
There is no way for people to gauge truth except by a connection to Source. You can call it intuition or prayer, and one also has to discern who to trust and the knowledge to sift through the wheat from the chaff. Stop listening to politicians, doctors or experts that lie and who are tied at the hip to profit before people. Just because when they are caught out, they have an amazing mea culpa moment and then go on to sell ideas, books, supplements and events, does not mean they deserve your time. Why believe them, when they then tell you that X, Y and Z is going to cure cancer or heal long covid? Why give them any more of your time?
“Whenever people need a hero we shall supply him” Albert Pike- 33rd Degree Mason.
The reason why people are so confused and don't know what to believe, is because they put their trust in the fake heros and their fake information and the abundance of conflicting information is also by design to confuse and make it seem "too hard" to figure out what's true and what isn't. Most of us, grew up accepting that fluoride was good for our teeth, and now it's classed as a neurotoxin and to lower IQ but it's still in toothpaste and the water supply.
Beliefs are hard to break and there are many beliefs, practices and "truths" that we accept without question. Through the education system, we were conditioned to trust in authority and to comply to rules without question. We were not encouraged to explore our spiritual power or trust our intuition and those senses became dulled.
We are, however incredibly powerful. We are the Creators, that create the future that we want and to be aware of evil is one thing but it is low hanging fruit. Our purpose is to elevate our lives and to forge a path of love, truth, freedom and peace that is ultimately overcomes the hate, conflict and deception that is in the world.
The duality of this experience cannot be understated. We only know love because we experience hate; health by experiencing sickness, life by experiencing death, truth because we experience deception and where there is incredible evil being done, unbelievable good will manifest to balance that.
One of the most powerful lessons I learnt recently was to lean into the darkness; to give thanks for it as an opportunity for growth and learning. There is so much programming from childhood, that bad things happen because we did something wrong and I have learnt to instead to see trials and trauma, pain and grief as lessons and to practice thankfulness for the opportunity to grow through dark and difficult times.
Practicing telepathy oneself is a spiritual work but first one needs to re-frame one's understanding of reality beyond what our eyes can see and perceive with all our senses.
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The stars are also aligning and a rare comet visits earth. Look up at the sky on a clear night this January and February and six planets – Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune – are currently visible in the night sky. During just one night on 28th February 2025, they will be joined by Mercury, a rare seven-planet alignment visible in the sky. We took a trip to the beach to witness the rare comet and also the planet parade is visible in the night sky.
The pivotal moment in time is a mass spiritual awakening and personal inward transformation that is happening in the backdrop of a dying world order that is desperate to control many people who are not only taking back their lives, their sovereignty, health, learning and spirituality but also finding their power and remembering who they truly are. As a result, the globalists want to exact more power, more control, more censorship via AI, technology, laws, drugs, engineered division and chaos because they are losing control and being exposed.
Free will and natural law mean that people must choose the reality that they want to live in. I see what is emerging is a circle of truly authentic beings, who may consider themselves ordinary but will in this new paradigm shift be the unstoppable force for positive change, all connected by a higher power with extraordinary gifts being bestowed on them, after they complete their shadow work to purge ego, and fear and come forth boldly in love, faith and hope.
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