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A retrospective analysis of the covid19 pandemic written on March 2020.

A retrospective analysis of the covid19 pandemic written on March 2020.

By  Alan Hamilton Preface 20 Dec 2021 The following blog post was written btw 23-26 March 2020. It contains my assessment of the Covid 19 pandemic a mere 6 weeks into the event. I was about to publish this article on Linked-In and circulate if for republication elsewhere until a long-time friend of mine, a professional media and political advisor (who does not share my views in any way), advised me most sincerely "not to publish this post under any circumstances". His reasoning for saying this

20 min read
What will it take for people to wake up?

What will it take for people to wake up?

If your house was on fire, would you let it burn down rather than let an unjabbed firefighter put it out?  Would you prefer a surf lifesaver or student over a fully qualified and experienced unjabbed paramedic in an emergency call out? How about your frail grandparent being treated by a covid positive nurse over an unjabbed healthy nurse or cared for by support worker living in a covid positive household? Would you suffer mass shortages of food, with reports areas in Australia have no meat or

4 min read
Vaccine exemptions and other ways around mandates

Vaccine exemptions and other ways around mandates

There are many ways people can get around mandates. From being part of the placebo group to getting a vaccine exemption, to not complying to using fakies. Article is subscriber only (free) as this information is between me and you; not me and the world.

5 min read
Past, present, future - our fight for freedom and truth

Past, present, future - our fight for freedom and truth

As we walked to Point Ormond yesterday evening, I thought of my eighth-grade teacher, the mother of Tony Stewart, one of the Balibo 5 who was an Australian journalist, murdered by Indonesian forces on 16th October 1975. He was killed to prevent him and his fellow journalists from reporting about Indonesia's invasion of East Timor; an invasion that the Australian government knew about but did nothing to prevent, that resulted in the killing of 204,000 East Timorese. In 2014, the Australian Feder

4 min read
Will young children be sacrificed to the vaccine gods?

Will young children be sacrificed to the vaccine gods?

Yesterday, I pushed myself to go to the protest. It was incredibly hot, humid and the heat from the concrete below was stifling. I was pushed to my physical limits. Very few came to it, unlike the hundreds of thousands, just a few Saturdays earlier. It was New Years Day but I went because time is running out. The Victorian branch of the AMA is calling for school holidays to be delayed by a week, to get the children jabbed before they return to school. The protest march took us through the almos

4 min read
Food shortages and the end game. Be prepared.

Food shortages and the end game. Be prepared.

Several reliable sources have told me that we need to prepare for food shortages from January 2022, extending for several months. The reason given is that the decentralized military is going to take Australia back  by removing the cabal controlled operatives. There will also be major issues in the supply chain from Adblue, an additive required for many diesel engines running out, to lack of pallets and labour shortages. We are at the end game here. This is the last breath of the dragon to try t

7 min read
Living in covid exile.

Living in covid exile.

I don't have a problem being excluded from society because I have lived on the fringes of mainstream society for over 3 decades but it is a bitter pill to swallow when your own  flesh and blood turns on you so viciously,  accusing you of all sorts of evils for simply caring that they don't take the shot and seeing this division play out, in families and relationships across Australia is devastating. My first experience of exclusion was being engaged and pregnant at 18, and being told by almost

3 min read
Autopsy findings confirm catastrophic harm #saveourkids

Autopsy findings confirm catastrophic harm #saveourkids

Dr Sucharit Bhakdi provides proof from autopsy findings that the spike proteins from the mRNA jabs cause the body's lymphocytes to attack organs like the heart leading to death. Initially it can start off as immune dysfunction, where the body is unable to deal with bacterial and viral infections. Numerous accounts of jabbed people developing shingles post jab and also infections leading to amputation. Of course, this could all be a coincidence! But even with 1 jab, autopsies confirm death by lym

4 min read
The Art of War in Covid times

The Art of War in Covid times

In war, you understand the target and your opponent, their weaknesses and strengths, the likely scenarios and how things play out under various strategic measures. In 2017, The Center for Health Security ran a SPARS Pandemic exercise narrative that comprised of a futuristic scenario about a novel coronavirus and the methods used to market a vaccine. They knew the target resistance groups and how to target them and used social media to promote the vaccine. It's amazing how much this narrative cam

1 min read
Scammed on LinkedIn

Scammed on LinkedIn

I was scammed, not of money but time. Normally, I wouldn't bite but for some bizarre reason I thought a LinkedIn profile with 15,000 followers meant it was legitimate. Surely these profiles go against community standards. Right? Things I learnt. A scammer will distract you with pressure sales pitch, constantly flooding you with their messaging. In this case with phone calls and several emails daily. They will cause confusion by every changing goal posts, promises never realized, and lots of ex

2 min read

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