
27 Articles
Deaths piling up - no where to hide

Deaths piling up - no where to hide

All cause mortality is at record highs across Australia and we are seeing this lead to extended delays in probates, delays for funeral, hospital emergency wait times, and reports of CT body scanning devices at morgues, taking the place of full autopsies.
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
SHTF Scenario Nordstream gas pipelines sabotaged

SHTF Scenario Nordstream gas pipelines sabotaged

As Julian Assange said in 20 Aug 2021, “The goal is an endless war, not a successful war” and we are now in a new phase of war, where nothing seems off the table, not even gas pipelines critical to supply people with heating over Winter, and businesses with energy. It certainly is no wonder that Julian Assange is still locked up. Too much truth from a real journalist, not the fake MSM or social
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Preparing for the inevitable economic and social rebirth

Preparing for the inevitable economic and social rebirth

We are sailing on uncharted waters, with all the data pointing to an economic crash, coinciding with supply chain issues, labor shortages, high gas prices, war in Ukraine, energy short falls, lock downs in China, unprecedented high mortality running at around 20% above average, low birth rates, hospital systems at near breaking point, high rates of disability, high inflation, record heat waves across Asia and Europe and predictions of food shortages and famine, worldwide protests
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
mRNA jabs in livestock will kill and sterilize

mRNA jabs in livestock will kill and sterilize

By the end of the year, it is expected that mRNA jabs will be rolled out for livestock and this will have a devastating impact on the food supply and human health. All around the world countries will be launching a campaign to “vaccinate” billions of pigs, cows, goats, and sheep over a period of nine months. This massive task is an effort to “enhance the biosecurity system by improving animal immunity and eradicating epidemic
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Engineered Food Shortages

Engineered Food Shortages

In an article by George Kent, "The Benefits of World Hunger", he writes "Hungry people are the most productive people, especially where there is a need for manual labour. We in developed countries sometimes see poor people by the roadside holding up signs saying “Will Work for Food”. Actually, most people work for food." The premise is that the poor who need to work for food, are the drivers of production
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Covid19 jabs for babies is this the final straw?

Covid19 jabs for babies is this the final straw?

The FDA voted unanimously and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended COVID-19 vaccines for children as young as six months. The rollout for infants begins next week in the US and Australia's media is already reporting the rollout to commence in Australia, in the next 2 months. This draws not just a line in the sand but a chasm so deep, that those who stay silent or participate in
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Free Aussie Cossack aka Simeon Boikov

Free Aussie Cossack aka Simeon Boikov

A week since Aussie Cossack's wife posted of his torture in prison. Cossack was arrested because he publicly named a pedophile. She says that he is currently in solitary confinement, his communication cut off from the rest of the world, a doctor comes in daily with a syringe asking him to take the jab and exercise outside has been denied to him too. This is torture and unacceptable in Australian society. Cossack is
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Defense Military Database exposes terrifying increase of 1051% in severe disease post jab

Defense Military Database exposes terrifying increase of 1051% in severe disease post jab

It's beyond comprehension how the military could be used for medical experimentation, for a product that was only given Emergency Use Authorization for which there was no safety studies done, or long term results known but worse still, that even when Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, questioned and blew the whistle on this "experiment", she was ignored and the military continued to cover up the harm but fiddling with past data, so
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Heads must roll as the truth comes out

Heads must roll as the truth comes out

The Covid Medical Network have published a letter to Australian Health authorities to withdraw the use of the experimental and dangerous COVID-19 shots immediately. “We, the Covid Medical Network and co-signatories, are writing to you to follow up on prior correspondence to ATAGI, the TGA and the Health Minister, and FOIA requests to the TGA, where answers have either been not forthcoming or have indicated the TGA has lacked critical information for making its provisional
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
War on US Biolabs in the Ukraine

War on US Biolabs in the Ukraine

So after 2 years of being lied to, gas lit and hated on by the media and government. and seeing so many around me harmed by their actions and suddenly I am meant to believe that they are the good guys in a war. I don't think so. Nothing is as it seems. We only hear what they want us to hear and see what they want us to see. Foul is fair
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
2022 Official Convoy to Canberra

2022 Official Convoy to Canberra

The Australian convoy to Canberra is not simply about ending mandates and restrictions but is enacting a legal mechanism to dissolve the corporate Australian government and bring back the true Commonwealth Government and Constitution. The Australian people are far more awake than any in the world, and at the freedom rallies you will hear ordinary people openly speak of the New World Order Agenda21, The World Economic Forum, Event 201, Depopulation Agenda, The Great Reset,
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha
Food shortages and the end game. Be prepared.

Food shortages and the end game. Be prepared.

Several reliable sources have told me that we need to prepare for food shortages from January 2022, extending for several months. The reason given is that the decentralized military is going to take Australia back  by removing the cabal controlled operatives. There will also be major issues in the supply chain from Adblue, an additive required for many diesel engines running out, to lack of pallets and labour shortages. We are at the end game
By Jeanee Rose Andrewartha

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