Harmful prions have been released into our environment and humanity but if we have the tools and understanding on how to break down harmful substances on the atomic level, then we can find healing. One of the important things about health is understanding how the body works, so you can adapt your routine and practices. It takes effort to unlearn many of the concepts we were taught through the education system, which is really a form of indoctrination and modern Science is based on flawed models, that may seem to work but have serious limitations and biases.
We think we understand the world around us but we really don't.
Dr Keryn Johnson joined me to discuss this topic of regenerative healing because regardless of whether the toxin is mRNA, prions, bacteria or viruses or chemicals; if we can break down substances to the atomic level, and support the body’s immune system to remove them, this is when we are able to heal. He has taken materials from biological sources, in particular manuka honey and through a scientific process, created a product that has isolated manuka proteins from the sugar and this aids the body to heal by breaking down waste material in the body.
Full interview is below. He enhanced my understanding of not just the physical world but the spiritual, other dimensions and concepts of time and space.
Dr Keryn Johnson says that the most potent oxidative radical, the hydroxyl radical which in the literature says that it is damaging, but in fact the human biology uses this substance to break down old cells into carbon dioxide and water and so it has its rightful place in regenerative healing and these type of molecules are critical for the regeneration process. We also discuss how our cells need to be energized and the ways the body utilizes food and sunshine, to feed cells with energy. This concept can be applied to foods that translate to high energy and those that deplete our energy to consume. The hydroxyl radical system is used to detoxify in the environment too.
We also discuss energetic healing, the body as a energetic, light being, light based communication operating in biological systems. the science of light storage in the mind and the formation of memory, atomic clocks operating within the unconscious mind, the role of unstable atoms and using light in your body (electromagnetic field within the atom) to communicate through cell death and regeneration a cycle mediated through cellular apoptosis (life <=> death) mediated through OH* the hydroxyl radical.
There are limitations with modern Science and our understanding of it, and what we attempt to do in this interview is introduce listeners to new concepts that help them to navigate life and provide hope that regenerative healing is possible because if one can break substances down to the atomic level, even harmful prions can be rendered harmless.
Link to more information about Dr Keryn Johnson, his work and his manuka honey based product can be found

And the interview ties in with my interview with Mathew Goddard on trapped stress and releasing trauma from the body.
Live Podcast on Sudden Death
On the 10th July 2024, at 7am Australian Eastern Standard Time, I hope to go live on the subject of Sudden Death, where I will cover the subject from a personal perspective of grief, autopsy, coroner's involvement, police investigation and tie this in with the many sudden deaths we are seeing and having compassion for many who are grieving. Rumble link will be sent out a day prior and if you have any questions or comments that you want included, please feel free to reach out to me.
As previously mentioned, what we are trying to create in these weekly podcasts is an authentic, grass roots media using the internet to build connection and share from the heart. Story telling is a very important part of that. One my sons said to me, that X was destroying the world and when asked why, he replied about the confrontational nature of it, the cancel culture, the bullying and argumentative spirit but it is not just X, it's mainstream and alternative media in general.
We also have all been trained into competition and confrontation from an early age instead of co-operation and understanding and the media has encouraged short attention spans by the whole scroll and click dopamine rush platforms, so generally speaking most people are simply gravitating to information that they already agree with and reinforcing their belief systems and that is really easy to do on "us versus them" platforms. A divided people cannot stand and it's very hard to convey a bigger picture or exchange ideas, with a limited number of words.
By sparking conversation and connection, it is our hope that this leads to the sharing of wisdom and knowledge, inward transformation, better relationships and positive change.
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Direct link to article is uncensoredwisdom.com/regenerative-healing-on-the-atomic-level Share away, as this writing is a labor of love.
Once again, very special thanks to those who have gifted to support the work and website, who have reached out to me on Linkedin and gifted me with their time, support and knowledge, may the universe send you back abundance in return.
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