The whole game of cat and mouse with internet algorithms and censorship is truly next level. Unfortunately I was locked out again of Linkedin, just as I was promoting a collaborative live podcast, "Closer to the Heart". Some would say, I must have been over the target. So, I need your help to share this article, especially to those who you think the podcast would resonate with.

I had just posted the following
"Sudden, unexpected deaths are bitter pills to swallow
Thirteen years ago, I experienced a sudden death, that came with intense grief and heart failure. The online world became my lifeline and meeting place. I don't think I would have got through without the connections made in those dark, lonely days. Paying it forward, Christina, Rachel and myself are hosting a weekly online podcast where we delve deeply into issues of the heart.
Next week, on the 10th July 2024, at 7am Australian Eastern Standard Time (Or 9th July 2024 2PM PST/5PM EST), will be our first podcast and being an anniversary day, I thought I would share memories from those days which also touch on autopsy, coroner's involvement, police investigation and tie this in with the many sudden deaths we are seeing today.
Christina has made a beautiful introduction of what we want to create in these weekly podcasts, where through authentic connection and heart to heart conversation, we use story telling to share wisdom, experiences and knowledge for inward transformation, better relationships and positive change.
Direct link will be sent out and updated on the event, a day prior and if you have any questions or comments that you want included, please feel free to reach out to us. This will be a safe space in the true meaning of that word, sparking deeper conversation and connection. Small but mighty.
You're invited to join us, to build something truly unique and authentic. In a world where things may seem quite bleak at times, confrontational and divisive; it's important to bring hope, unity and heart.
The following week's topic will be "when children go woke" and navigating rejection, finding strategies and healing division. Mark it in your calendar

Brand new Youtube channel
Brand new Rumble channel
Subscribe and you will need to be signed into Rumble to join the live chat.
So for whatever reason, I get locked out. It could be because of the volume of connection requests and follows, a phrase in my post that triggered a bot, the volume of impressions but I don't usually get an explanation, Others too have been locked out. Last year, I was locked out six times but at the same time offered free trials of Linkedin navigator and also to write on their exclusive group of Linkedin experts.
I have yet to figure out how to prevent this from happening, which also always seems to coincide with some zoom call I have scheduled!

Thank you for those who support my advocacy work and writing. Please do support this work if you are able to.
Uncensored Wisdom Paid Subscription is $5 a month or $50 a year. Cancel at any time. Click on the Subscribe link at the bottom right hand corner of the website. If you have any issues, let me know.
The Gifting page accepts once off donations for my work.
Direct link to article is
Share away, as this writing is a labor of love.
Once again, very special thanks to those who have gifted to support the work and website, who have reached out to me on Linkedin and gifted me with their time, support and knowledge, may the universe send you back abundance in return.
I also run a website development/hosting/domain registration business and you can build a custom website, register/transfer/renew a domain, buy email/web hosting and related products or develop a website through my business.
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I have updated with my other social media links.