Weather wars gone mainstream

7 min read
Weather wars gone mainstream

Years ago, when I saw The Fukushima nuclear power plant struck by a reported "earthquake" on 11 March 2011, I knew in my heart it was not natural. It can be overwhelming to know the sophistication and nefariousness of the weaponry available and what can happen in the wrong hands. Yet it seemed back then, that I could compartmentalize all of this, because as much as I could search online to confirm my own intuition and suspicions, that information I could set aside and I didn't have people reach out to me back then via Linkedin with piles of evidence and testimony.

Yesterday, seeing Colonel Douglas MacGregor appear with Dane Wigington, of and hearing that Dane had spoken to US Senators about the weather warfare of Hurricane Helene that has caused incredible carnage, it really made me both grateful that Dane's work over the years was finally being recognized but also sick to my stomach that despite all the disclosure, the attacks are becoming more bold and more severe. The gloves and masks are off. We are in an active war situation. I don't think it matters anymore, what the public knows because they think that a large part of the population are under some mind control spell and the rest they tarnish, as crazy conspiracy nutters.

Case in point, no matter what is disclosed about the jabs, they are still being distributed.

We are in the final battle, the desperation of the nefarious players is becoming more and more openly displayed. The tipping point can't be far off.

Who is behind the current weather warfare is yet to be fully determined; whether it is CIA agents gone rogue, a war between the factions supporting lithium based energy power and oil or a vindictive strike on freedom loving people, a brazen attempt at election interference. It seems very coincidental how these strikes, whether fire, hurricanes or floods, always seem to be a certain demographic or over certain resources or assets, and just like the deadlier jabs went to certain groups, there is a motive behind the chaos.

The demonic powers that run the world are not some united force but very much at war with each other too; and they have destructive weapons to play with. In the case of Maui, it was direct energy weapons.

How does one fight against such evil? There are multiple facets to this war from spiritual to political and often overlooked is the spiritual dimension.

One of the clues, I heard in Dane's presentation was that the storm moved away from areas of high frequency; so energetically how do we achieve this; through prayer, visualization, our intent and the frequency of love.

I will post what came up on my feed today and I have found in my own experience that whether it was storms or child birth, connecting to the Divine lead to "miraculous" births where I had only a few contractions, ten minutes apart and other times, storms moving away and dissipating. The untapped power within us, is far greater than anything these demonic powers can unleash.

Most readers are aware of the severity and extent of Hurricane Helene, but here are a few short videos explaining how extensive it was and from ground reports there are likely thousands of people dead. Hurricane Milton has now been declared category 5 and evacuations ordered in certain areas. Gas stations are empty, roads full of people trying to leave and most places north have been hit by the last hurricane. A very bad situation.

A few years ago, I just had this sinking feeling about the idea of so many independent thinking businesses and individuals concentrated in certain areas and now to see what's happening in Florida, it just feels like a massive chess piece move.

Jeanee Rose Andrewartha on LinkedIn: Important to understand the severity and scale of the devastation of… | 16 comments
Important to understand the severity and scale of the devastation of Hurricane Helene, and how it occurred in areas that are not considered Hurricane country.… | 16 comments on LinkedIn
Jeanee Rose Andrewartha on LinkedIn: "They told mission hospital, they are not sending refrigerated trucks so… | 43 comments
"They told mission hospital, they are not sending refrigerated trucks so that they can stack the bodies up and we also overheard that whatever fatality numbers… | 43 comments on LinkedIn
Jeanee Rose Andrewartha on LinkedIn: A very difficult watch but important one..Serious questions need to be… | 22 comments
A very difficult watch but important one..Serious questions need to be asked, full investigation and accountability. Witness says in town of 700, there were… | 22 comments on LinkedIn

Meanwhile, wars rage over petroleum and natural resources in other parts of the world. Hurricane Helene was reportedly a battle over lithium mining and the quartz used to make semiconductors but with the exception of weather warfare, a military war requires the consent of the people.

The media apparatus has so conditioned the public to accept these wars as necessary for freedom but also through the various religious and eschatological beliefs, the left-right divide, that it becomes impossible to break through and then there is the effect of multiple levels of poisoning that disconnects a person from their consciousness.

People don't fight wars willingly. They are engineered, often over periods of time by dehumanizing another group and after that, follows the genocide. Most people don't want to believe that they are on the wrong side of history, that they stand with the oppressors, plunderers, murderers, rapists and sadists and perhaps in some cases there is no innocent party but groups that are just as bad as each other, in a tit for tat, battle of who is less evil.

Colonel Douglas McGregor puts the Deep State on notice with his speech. He is pivotal in this war for humanity. He is not only calling out the weaponized warfare but also the war in the Middle East and Ukraine; for the bombing and bloodshed to all end.

I know it's easy to become disheartened and feel helpless by the world events but we need to do the opposite and raise the vibration, pay it forward, look out for one another, show kindness. Scarcity is but an illusion. There is abundance in the world to provide for all our needs. Whatever happens, it is mindset that gets us through and we will overcome and we will thrive, despite all that is thrown our way.

My interview with Robin Gersbeck who beat terminal cancer without chemo is now available to watch, is one such victory. It's a beautiful conversation where we drop lots of tips and truth bombs on overcoming and thriving after a dire medical diagnosis. I hope you enjoy watching it and it lifts your spirit.


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