"There are no specific diseases, only specific disease conditions. All disease at some or other period in its course, is more or less a repairative process, not necessarily accompanied with suffering, an effort of nature to repair a process of poisoning or of decay, which has taken weeks, months, sometimes years beforehand unnoticed." Florence Nightingale
Imagine studying medicine for decades and suddenly realizing that everything that your understanding of Science is based on is flawed. I remember a top pathologist in Melbourne told me, in medical school when he finished his course, the professors told him that only half of what they learnt would be found to be correct, but they couldn't tell him which half. We know the Rockefellers took over the medical system over a hundred years ago, including all the teaching colleges, so I would go further to say that the whole paradigm of medicine is deeply flawed and while it may seem to work at times, it doesn't mean the model is correct. Medicine really does it's best work in emergencies but otherwise, it is a form of slow poisoning and why it's not surprising we see increasing rates of Alzheimer's disease in the elderly.
“Placebos are extraordinary drugs. They seem to have some effect on almost every symptom known to mankind, and work in at least a third of patients and sometimes in up to 60 percent. They have no serious side-effects and cannot be given in overdose. In short, they hold the prize for the most adaptable, protean, effective, safe and cheap drugs in the world’s pharmacopeia.” Robert Buckman, clinical oncologist and professor of medicine
I remember finishing my degree in Statistics and realizing, the subject was completely flawed because every analysis is affected by the bias of the researchers. It was common knowledge even back then, that if your research went against pharmaceutical companies, your career was finished and you would be discredited, and you could never work again. Even the mathematical tools themselves were limited because statistics assumes that variables are independent but in real life, that's far from true. It's also why, there will never be consensus using statistics, especially when you factor in bias and corruption.
But further to this, in order to do any research one is an underlying model or hypothesis, that underpins the research. We all have been conditioned to believe in it, just like the vintage ads in Australia, where people accepted without proof that flouride got into one's teeth, prevented cavities and strengthened them. How many of us for years accepted this as truth? Similarly, we have many beliefs that we accept as truth, but we have never questioned them critically.
Yet today, a US toxicology report reveals with moderate confidence that flouride exposure consistently correlates with drop in IQ in children. Whoever thought putting industrial waste from aluminum smelters in the water supply was a good idea? Certainly nefarious beings.
Underlying the use of flouride was the idea that "the dose makes the poison" and while there is some merit to this, what is more important is whether the individual can actually detoxify the poison. A person who eats like crap that can metabolize and remove toxins from their body can be healthier than someone who can't and who eats well.
We have been conditioned with the idea of immunity, that the body creates antibodies to a pathogen and that next time, our body is confronted with that pathogen, it knows how to immediately respond. This is the foundation of immunology and also the idea that one can "boost" ones immunity with various supplements or that various treatments such as anti-biotics and anti-virals work. The question is, does the suppression of symptoms of detoxification in fact, drive disease deeper to be manifested later as chronic illness? Can we truly poison our way to healing? And even if it seems to work, can we really correlate cause an effect, especially because the body is designed to be self-healing, so what may appear to work, is healing in-spite of a poison being ingested, not because of it.
What if we considered the symptoms of illness; that is vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, fever, sneezing, skin conditions, tumors, etc.. to be simply mechanisms that the body is using to detoxify and heal? What if we were able to support our body to detoxify and heal.
The medical system is not based on this idea but one where either your genetics are faulty or you need to poison your way to health.
Below, is one of the classic scenes from Princess Bride, which perfectly illustrates the double cross of the alternative pharma movement, that is tied at the hip to politics and economics.
Since writing this article and recording the podcast with Dr Garrett Smith, I have added another link to the article.
I also received this email. (The Ziverdo kit is ivermectin, doxycycline, azithromycin, vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc.)
"Your latest email Jeanee was quite shocking.
Last year I almost died with liver failure.
It did not make sense and they diagnosed (albeit) without certainty that I had a toxic reaction to an antibiotic.
A month or so before I had taken the Ziverdo kit.
My partner thought I had been poisoned (I have been very outspoken on a number of issues).
The recovery has been long and, at times, very difficult.
It is 18 months in now and I am about 80 percent but I have totally moved away from any pharmaceutical pills. I will not touch even a headache or vitamin pill.
In hospital they had me on numerous pills which made me even more sick.
The suffering last year was the worst I have ever experienced. I did not know it was possible to suffer like that.
I went to India to recover because I totally distrusted western medicine at that point.
However I would not change a thing now, having learned what I did. I would never wish to suffer like that again - not in a million years: the pain was unbearable for three months - but now I am on the mend the lessons were a massive gift at multiple levels.
These reptiles must be stopped. And sent to prison for the terms of their natural life.
Keep doing the fantastic work you are doing."
So why is it that people have adverse reactions? My working hypothesis is this is all dependent on their ability to detoxify from a poison. If your body is not able to detoxify from that poison, then it becomes poisoned. Then the question remains, is the benefit outweigh the risk and whether there is in fact, a benefit or is it like jabs, all harm and no benefit.
When you think about this idea, that accumulated toxins from everything from seed oils to medications, chemicals the environment and pesticides build up in the body over time to cause disease, it does make sense that people who either have higher exposure or are less able to detoxify, end up sick which is as Florence Nightingale would say, a repair process. However, if the toxic buildup and exposure continues, the end result is death; regardless of the disease state being manifested.
The current concoction being pushed in truth freedom movement is The Contagion Pack that contains very toxic Tamiflu. There is an affiliate marketing program that has captured many popular channels and you won't know of the secret deals with Pharma. Anything you take is at your own risk, even if a television doctor or politician says it's safe and effective.
Without going into how people have been captured by the various money making schemes in the truth freedom movement, I was reflecting on how absurd it is that so many have become conditioned into following super wealthy people. The internet moguls has turned the world wide web into a broadcasting tool for multi-millionaires and billionaires that people actually believe that these people care for them and just because they may drop truth bombs, doesn't mean that they are one of us. People need to discern who is providing the information and what vested interest they have. https://openpaymentsdata.cms.gov/ is one such site, that records pharma payments.
I was pleased to find this incredible interview with Dr Andrew Kaufman, where he discusses the use of the natural substance, gum turpentine in a different paradigm, that it wasn't just an anti-parasitic, anti-viral or anti-fungal but that it assisted the body to detoxify because it broke down the very difficult to dissolve toxins. Once these toxins are released from the fat cells, they can be removed from the body, and the body returns to health. Perhaps it's "anti" properties that it is touted for, are simply because it is assisting the body to detoxify, and now the body clearer of toxic waste that is the cause of disease.
So what are viruses, parasites and bacteria? They are the clean up crew, trying to remove toxins from the body. These same substances have a function in nature of breaking down the body on death, so when these things go out of balance, they can harm the body.
An excellent watch and I have applied the lessons learnt from these various sources in this article, to drop my blood pressure drastically.

He doesn't share the protocol but I will post Dr Jennifer Daniel's work below and there was a great protocol that Tony of HerbsPlusBeadWorks of Youtube shared with honey instead of sugar but that video vanished. It was basically, 1 part pine oil to 3 parts honey. She also discusses the toxic dose versus therapeutic dose in the article.
According to Dr Jennifer Daniels, "The way that it works is that turpentine is a solvent and so as a solvent it liberates and frees toxins and parasites from being entrapped in your connective tissue. The next thing it does is, in your body you have three groups of cells; you have dead cells, you have cells that could go either way, and you have cells that are alive and functioning. So what turpentine does is that it takes the cells that could go either way and repairs the cell membrane, and that’s why when people take turpentine they could literally feel better in as little as 30 seconds. It directly addresses the phospholipids in the cell membrane and repairs them. Lastly because it is a natural substance from the pine tree, parasites are repelled from it and they leave. (Source https://rumble.com/v1fxfx9-jennifer-daniels-and-dr.-andrew-kaufman-turpentine-interview-dont-get-sick-.html) It assists the body to sort through what to keep and what to remove, which enhances detoxification.
I have used it and it saved my life when I was really sick and I always believed it was because it worked against the pathogen but now I understand that what it does is help the body to release toxins. In the video with Kaufman he also mentions how a doctor had got ill with ivermectin poisoning but it was rectified by taking gum turpentine. Sometimes water isn't enough to clean out the body and especially since most people are chronically dehydrated, this makes them susceptible to disease, because toxins build up.
The mechanism proposed is that the gum turpentine acted as a solvent to the ivermectin trapped in his liver and released it (plus other toxins), and then the body was able to restore balance. It's important to remember that when the body detoxifies it uses up essential minerals and needs to be replenished in order to heal. The explanation of the process is explained in this video below.
Below is a really good explanation for how the body regenerates cells on the DNA level.
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9pIruJson-/ and in reply to a question on water fasting, below is a free e-book, on how to properly water fast.

Lastly, I leave you with the chilling The Secret Covenant. One of the rules of the game, is they have to tell us their plans in advance. If we don't act, we are giving permission.
Who are They? The Grandmasters Behind the Agenda Replay can be found.
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Our discussion builds a framework to make sense of current events.
All replays can be accessed via this link https://rumble.com/c/c-6510691
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