As we walked to Point Ormond yesterday evening, I thought of my eighth-grade teacher, the mother of Tony Stewart, one of the Balibo 5 who was an Australian journalist, murdered by Indonesian forces on 16th October 1975. He was killed to prevent him and his fellow journalists from reporting about Indonesia's invasion of East Timor; an invasion that the Australian government knew about but did nothing to prevent, that resulted in the killing of 204,000 East Timorese.
In 2014, the Australian Federal Police abandoned its five-year investigation into the murder of the Balibo 5, claiming it did not have jurisdiction to investigate. As a nation, we allowed foreign soldiers to arrest, detain and then shoot and stab to death five innocent men, who were simply there to bear witness to an international scandal that has had repercussions for our region for the past four decades. And almost five decades on, the reluctance to bring the murderers to justice is a national disgrace.

The late June Stewart, never spoke of her son’s death to us her students, other than he was a journalist and had died. There was no bitterness in her. The only contact she ever received from the Australian government relating to the death, was an official from Foreign Affairs who rang and said: 'Do you know you will have to pay for the body to be returned to Australia?' and then he hung up. It was the East Timorese President, in 2012 who presented her with an award, to which she said ''I am so thrilled that at the time when they are celebrating 10 years of independence and freedom the East Timorese have included Tony among those who made this happen.''
Freedom is non-negotiable. In every takeover, there are mass casualties, the media is silenced, the governments corrupt. This story runs in parallel with our own journey today. These young men were disposable to the Australian government.
Do you think much has changed since then?
Point Ormond, has a history too. On a long journey from Scotland, the ship the Glen Huntley had fever breaking out on it and it was at Point Ormond, that the sick and the well were divided and quarantined from the colony. Three men, John Craig, James Mathers and George Armstrong did not recover after becoming emancipated from the long journey and succumbed to the disease and were originally buried at Point Ormond (Elwood) in 1840 and were later reinterred to St Kilda cemetery on 27 August 1898.
The story does not end there though, for when June Stewart was a young girl, a ghost in the likeness of a little boy appeared to her at St Kilda Beach and saved the life of her brother and sister, Bob and Margaret.
It’s a magical story that can be found
So as we stood on Point Ormond, my eyes closed, my arms high in the air receiving the gusts of wind encompassing the Spiritual power of God; that moment became the past, present and the future. This place of death was also a place of life. A place of miracles, in the face of adversity. A legacy from one generation to another, of struggle and triumph.
I carry the legacy of June Stewart. She encouraged me to write. At 14, I wanted to be both a journalist and a doctor (healer) and many decades on, I realized that youthful dream was indeed the fire of passion in my heart; to write about healing.
I can still remember Mrs Stewart, her face lit up with joy after reading my journal entry. In it, I wrote of how I wanted to become a journalist and doctor. One son of hers was a doctor and another a journalist. I shared the same birthday as one of her sons and that weekend, for some unknown reason I bet on a horse, Testimony that turned out to be owned by her too. It was serendipity and I remember when she told me, that I could be both a journalist and a doctor.
Fast forward, 25 years and I recovered from heart failure and postpartum cardiomyopathy, when doctors told me to get used to a medicated life and a heart that half worked and that a future pregnancy would likely kill me. I did the research. I put it all on the line and recovered and had my dream baby at the age of 42, at our ocean side home. I wrote about the experience and helped the women who reached out to me for help to recover with nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle changes. It is my hope that I can use my knowledge and experience, to help people to recover from this weaponized agent.
It so happened that when I was discharged from hospital, my husband found the book The Fleming Method by Richard Fleming MD, which I followed for a month and adapted the theory to recover from cardiomyopathy.
Richard Fleming, presents a very insightful understanding of covid19
He is a pioneer in heart disease and healing. In 1994 and again in 1995, he presented his theory on what truly causes heart disease - Inflammation & Blood Clotting and he calls covid19 a bio-weapon. He talks about event 201, the vaccine as a product of gain of function, antibody dependent enhancement to shedding. He provides solutions.
I never got to see Mrs Stewart before she died. She never saw the legacy she left in me and such is the nature of life, that we give without really knowing, the impact we too may have on others.
“To whom much is given, much will be required”
RIP June and Tony Stewart.