The Victorian election is pivotal. Within minutes of posting about Ian Cook’s challenge to Dan Andrews in his seat of Mulgrave, the post was going viral and then boom, I was kicked off Linkedin. The importance of Victoria to the New World Order, cannot be understated.
The following is information received from a trusted friend who has been working behind the scenes. This is direct from him to me. I have permission to share. This is not a re-post.
“I can tell you the back story on that one ... the liberal party split in two last June. The Hunt, Hawke (Alex), Frydenberg faction was cast aside by the party. They were identified as driving:
- Crypto to replace Cash
I sent a letter to Tim Smith that detailed all the ins and outs and ups and downs about the mRNA and Adrenoviral DNA vaccines around June 2021 and asked for their support, so that joining the “experiment” was optional. In my letter I encouraged the recipient and colleagues to validate my information through follow-up correspondence.
A person in the Liberal Party who knows me and who was a friend of Josh's (power broker) was approved to meet with me to learn more. They detailed to me that they had failed on every front to get access to health information from the departments, both State and Federal. I explained that if they were to walk into a night shift at Royal Melbourne holding a print out of my letter, the whistle blowers would likely make themselves acquainted. I added that the whistle blowers were expecting them. This happened, and Liberal MPs met with medicos and saw first-hand what was happening.
The upper house lead of the Liberals who was Health minister in the last Coalition Government led the group of opposition and cross bench members to do direct research. I have met regularly since to discuss next steps and method/approach. When the hospital whistle blowers saw the calibre of MPs doing their own research (and recognised the old Health Minister whom they liked) they shared all the data they had gathered, and the advice shared with the Dan’s team. They learnt quickly that Dan was doing the opposite of what the front-line medicos were recommending which infuriated them no-end.
This shaped the policy for the Federal Senate team (their own faction now - led by Senator Rennick) and for the Perrottet-Guy faction to link up with them.
After being approached by Senator Malcolm Roberts to discuss COVID and the no cash bills, the Liberal Party Vic branch invited Senator Malcolm Roberts in June last year to discuss the impact of the no cash policy and COVID more broadly. They had nothing to lose and guaranteed Josh and others, would be distracted by post budget issues as the budget wasn't received well.
Within the week I was getting calls from all manner of people to discuss "current events" and this was the week the Hunt, Hawke, Frydenberg faction were, in practise, cut loose.
In regards, to building an infectious disease hospital. Victorian Libs/Nats are following advice to develop a world class facility. If we had an infectious diseases hospital, then the COVID two years would not have happened at all.
This was identified as part of what needs to be learned from the COVID, which the Libs have been working on since June last year and that I have provided input for too. Nothing sinister here, it would be better to spend $1 Bn on such a facility than $200 Bn on a tunnel train system that may not be needed.
By end of June, Malcolm Roberts had made trusted connections in the Senate whom presented him a warm welcome to the rank and file, Lib/Nat members.
The COVID plan by Fed Libs and the crypto programmable central bank digital currency were direct threats to personal sovereignty. One issue was enough to cause the split, two issues brought it on at a rapid rate.”
This is why the Vic election has been about hospital funding because Liberal/Nations are looking to fund early treatment for infectious diseases, which would also spill over to research to help the vaccine injured. They are against lockdowns."
We often forget that Senator Rennick and Senator Antic are both Liberal Party senators, who have been outspoken on jab injuries and human rights. Who can forget, Senator Antic when he asked Federal Health Department head, Brendan Murphy 'what the definition of a woman is'. The conservatives not aligned to the WEF, WHO, Gates Foundation, are the best chance of regaining our sovereignty in Australia and because Australia is so pivotal to the New World Order, what happens in Australia, particularly in Victoria, affects the rest of the world.
One amazing development is the announcement that Ian Cook is running against Dan Andrews in the seat of Mulgrave.

If you haven't heard the back story to this one. It's quite a doozy. is Ben Cook, Ian's son's Twitter account. The short version is that funding provided by Dan Andrews was used to set up a rival company that took the clients of Ian Cook's business, after it had to be shut down over a slug that was planted on the premises. The infamous, chief health officer, Brett Sutton was also involved in this fiasco. #sluggate and searching #icookfoods, will bring up so many search results, it is eye watering how deep the corruption goes in the State of Victoria.
Nice to see, Channel 9 give Ian Cook some air time. Let's hope he wins the seat in Mulgrave and ousts Dan from Parliament. See video in link below
One interesting thing that has come out of all of this is how people today don't trust the media, and information passed through private networks is more trusted than the media or random posts online. This is the ultimate decentralized system where with six degrees of separation between you and every other person on earth, we take on the responsibility of communicating with those in our networks and passing on reliable and trusted information. There is no doubt that this is hard work. It takes effort, time and organization. Each of us are in a unique position by our skills, our friends and family, our connections, our education, our work and where we live. I guess we can see this as an opportunity to reconnect to each other, to regain our humanity and even in the face of ridicule to seek out and speak out truth. We didn't lose freedoms and morality overnight but they were systematically taken away over and eroded decades and it will take time to rebuild and restore.
We are building back better but not in the way Klaus Schwab wants but close knit communities and real relationships underpinned by truth, caring, and the real history of who we truly are in this world.