Poisoning of Truth Freedom Movement

8 min read
Poisoning of Truth Freedom Movement
Photo by Myriam Zilles / Unsplash

In a bombshell interview, Mike Yeadon blasts the double cross and exposes the agenda. He has said what I have heard privately but the first prominent figure to say it openly, that ivermectin is a poison that causes infertility and that the various supplements recommended to be taken with them, were pgp inhibitors, that is these supplements made ivermectin more toxic. However it just doesn't cause infertility but early death, strokes, blindness, a whole host of nasty things.

It was a huge double cross but when you search the medical literature, and understand that Gates was behind ivermectin and parasite research, and you look at the huge amount of money within the alternative pharma industry, it should come as no surprise.

As Albert Pike said, "When the people want a hero, we will supply them", and the ones Yeadon outs in the video below are not the only ones and there are also well meaning people caught up in the web of lies too, The heros are strategically placed and they are involved in all areas including court cases and politics. As always, follow the money, follow your instincts and think critically.

I caught up with Dr Garrett Smith because I saw his interview on the ivermectin double cross, and asked him to explain why it was that people could feel better after taking certain supplements, diets or drugs but later on go into decline. The interview blew me away because as many of you may know, I have been on a health journey for many years and so well read on alternative health practices but it all connected the dots together in a framework that made sense. The fundamental message that Dr Garrett Smith provides in the Toxic Bile Theory is an important one to understand, especially in our increasingly toxic world.

The interview with Dr Garrett Smith is below. I will do a longer write up but what's been good to have is questions from people who have already watched it. One of the hardest parts of being a writer on health is that the audience is diverse; from those with complex health conditions to practitioners with their own experiences and biases.

I do still agree with the interview, I made with Dr Kevin McCairn that there was a two prong attack of some engineered agent and had my own confirmation that this is how I became sick with heart failure in May 2022, when I recently discovered that a close relative had exposed me to shedding, after his booster shot. It came as quite a shock, as I always assumed he was unvaxxed but found in his medical papers the vax certificate and the batch numbers lined up with the deadly batches as revealed in the FOI documents released by the TGA. This goes into frame shifting of DNA, that I have written about previously.

So as I navigate the toxic soup of deliberate misinformation and snake oil and what I see now, is that a large number of influencers have been caught up into affiliate or direct marketing of supplements, diets and protocols that are actually harmful. Another very esteemed doctor, I did ask him about ivermectin and he confirmed that serious harm to individuals had been done by it but it wasn't his place to call out the bad actors.


Drugs can be life saving but the risk benefit must always be examined and there is always the potential that a drug can make a condition worse. The truth is very nuanced and not black and white. eg. CRISPR technology used on the terminally ill, has reversed cancer and the genes reverted back to normal after 5 years but now, most people wouldn't touch it because of the distrust.

The current concoction being pushed in truth freedom movement is The Contagion Pack that contains very toxic Tamiflu. People need to know that there is an affiliate marketing program that is promoting these drugs that has captured many popular channels. Anything you take is at your own risk, even if a television doctor or politician says it's safe and effective.

The image below is a reminder that the supplement industry is just as owned by big Pharma as the pesticide and drug industries.

This week's live podcast with Christina Groess happening 21st August 2024, at 7am Australian Eastern Standard Time(Or 20th August 2024 2PM PST/5PM EST) .

We explore the big picture of child protective services and how it has been increasingly weaponized against the family. From accounts of parental rights being severed by hospitals to children being vaccinated in schools without consent and school counselors encouraging children to gender transition to the various woke educational programs and materials.

We explore how the current laws and where parents stand, the funding behind it all, how the court and medical systems tie in with child protective services and the effect on the children and families who are caught in the crossfire.

Unfortunately, many parents who are currently suffering or still have underage children are unable to tell their stories for fear of retribution but it's a conversation, we as a society need to have about the divine relationship between parents and children that needs to honoured and protected, only being severed in extreme circumstances of abuse.

Below is the Linkedin invite and live/replay link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmIxIQ00RUk

Parental rights and the bodily autonomy of kids under attack by the State | LinkedIn
Join us or watch the replay afterwards, as we explore the big picture of child protective services and how it has been increasingly weaponized against the family. From accounts of parental rights being severed by hospitals to children being vaccinated in schools without consent and school counselors encouraging children to gender transition to the various woke educational programs and materials. We explore how the current laws and where parents stand, the funding behind it all, how the court and medical systems tie in with child protective services and the effect on the children and families who are caught in the crossfire. Unfortunately, many parents who are currently suffering or still have underage children are unable to tell their stories for fear of retribution but it’s a conversation, we as a society need to have about the divine relationship between parents and children that needs to honoured and protected, only being severed in extreme circumstances of abuse. Through authentic connection and heart to heart conversation, we use story telling to share wisdom, experiences and knowledge for inward transformation, better relationships and positive change. You’re invited to join us, to build something truly unique and authentic. In a world where things may seem quite bleak at times, confrontational and divisive; it’s important to bring hope, unity and heart. Mark it in your calendar 🙏 If you accept the invite, Linkedin should also send you a notification just prior to the event. Feel free to invite anyone that you feel this online event would interest. This is a difficult discussion to have with guest speaker, Kamilah Johnson, and your co-hosts, Christina Goerss and Jeanee Andrewartha share stories of abuse, healing, love and empowerment. Youtube direct link for those who cannot access Rumble https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmIxIQ00RUk About the speakers: Kamilah is a sovereign consultant and resource specialist who is also a multimedia content creator and music producer. She brings with her a message of peace and power that surpasses all understanding in the heart of the storm, and a story that immediately grips the heart and won’t let go. Watch Kamilah Johnson and follow her incredible story on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@his_name_is_miaani About the hosts Jeanee is a writer, podcaster, website developer/consultant, mother of 11, veteran home-educator of 26+ years, heart failure survivor, founder of myheartsisters.com, uncensoredwisdom.com and passioncomputing.com.au and regular podcaster on healthallianceaustralia.org She says: “I believe healthy relationships and families are the foundation of society, and cherish my connection to Divine. I have had several near death experiences which have been incredibly transformative and I have also experienced grief, persecution, and betrayal but despite all the hardships in life, I remain positive, fearless and open hearted.” https://uncensoredwisdom.com/about/ Christina Marie Goerss (aka PowerGirl) is technical information delivery specialist, podcaster, and Freedom Warrior content creator with a passion for seeing #TeamHumanity those these difficult transitions as we align with the Creator finding purpose and POWER in the pain. She is a whistleblower and freedom warrior fan girl waving the flag and collecting the record for #WeThePeople. To explore PowerGirl Christina’s full spectrum of services and homemade healing products: https://rainbowsendhumboldt.com


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Direct link to article is https://uncensoredwisdom/poisoning-of-truth-freedom-movement

Share away, as this work is a labor of love.

Once again, very special thanks to those who have gifted to support the work and website, who have reached out to me on Linkedin and gifted me with their time, support and knowledge, may the universe send you back abundance in return.

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Closer To The Heart
PowerGirl Productions is BACK on YouTube and BETTER than ever before! JOIN US as we explore the expansion of space and time toward an #EvenBetterNormal driven by a new kind of entrepenuer. This channel CELEBRATES the creators and curators of the Greatest Renansaince Mankind has EVER known.
Health Alliance Australia
We are a large and growing group of medical and allied health practitioners who are gravely concerned by the weaponization of medicine for political power and the erosion of our sovereign human rights and freedom of choice. We are dedicated to honouring bodily autonomy and well-informed health choices.

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