White horse of the Apocalypse

15 min read
White horse of the Apocalypse

I write this with a heavy heart, that we are witnessing death and destruction on an horrific scale; few will be left untouched. My dad died just over 2 weeks ago, and his passing is still so raw. As I reflect upon, the impact that World War Two had on his life, that he faced food shortages, malnutrition, developmental issues that he spent his lifetime overcoming, the trauma of being bullied at school and the psychological effect of undeveloped vocal chords and delayed speech had on him, that carried over to our relationship that was strained at times due to his own negative self talk, I know the effects of this war on humanity will have lasting and generational consequences too. He took 3 shots because he believed at the time, not doing so would prevent him from going home to his beloved Penang. Two of them, turned out to be from toxic batches as per the TGA Freedom of Information documents. Despite all of this, he overcame great adversity in his professional life especially and as I reflect on death, it clarifies very clearly all that is important in life, all that is true and good with the transcendent power of love that heals the broken hearted.

As we witness the horrors from the wars, I reflect upon how people are just pawns in this war of globalist power, collateral damage in the never ending pursuit of power. The four horsemen of Revelations, that the Cabal is modelling their plan on are War, Famine, Pestilence and Death.

For war to be successful, there needs to be a propaganda machine, which feeds the hate and division and as a society we have become so very divided. I am particularly shocked that to be anti-war has met with such open vitrol, as politicians whip up the hate and focus on our differences rather than building bridges to our commonalities. One of the least discussed topics is the effect of narcissistic personality disorders and what those who are sociopaths, do to society when they end up in powerful positions.

According to Bill Eddy,

"In my experience over several decades as a therapist, mediator, lawyer, and trainer with High Conflict Institute, I have seen that many people often miss the seriousness of the warning signs of NPD. While I don’t want to over-generalize or frighten people—these personality disorders exist on a continuum of severity—I believe that all of us need awareness of these personalities in today’s world to avoid being misled and caught by surprise."

German historian and philosopher (1906–1975) famously says;

"This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore. A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong. And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies.With such a people, you can do whatever you want."—Hannah Arendt,

Such a powerful 👏 statement that reflects our current condition.We have layer upon layers of lies, contradictions, absurdities, inconsistencies laws & rules and this all has a disorientating and confusing effect unless one is grounded in a framework of understanding the big picture agenda and sociopathic leaders, understand fully how they can manipulate society.

We are in a disinformation eco-system, and I understand how disturbing the levels of deception and betrayal is and how disorientating it is, to discover trusted professionals were in fact, funded by pharmaceutical companies or simply fraudsters, whose protocols caused harm and death. To discover, that your friend, family member, neighbour or colleague were on the take, and profited from harming others, incredibly shocking.

There is simply no way, the ruling, parasitic bloodlines as written about in https://uncensoredwisdom.com/who-are-they/ could have achieved the horrors, they have without the worker bees who complied, who lied and who fed into and from the beast system.

The public has not only lost trust in politicians but in doctors and institutions as well; with public trust at an all time low. The success of our society is correlated to high trust and if we can no longer trust not only leaders but each other, and when communities have become so divided and polarized, we are headed towards a catastrophe.

In Victoria, at this current time we have a 36 page report by by world renowned crash expert, saying that Catherine and former Premier Daniel Andrews must be held to account for the near fatal crash that severely injured a young man and for the lies they told since. A police force that clearly covered up, what is a crime.

This is really the Al Capone moment, where a figure is removed on an unrelated issue to their major crime. For those not in Victoria, in 2021 Daniel Andrews went missing for 4 months, after supposedly falling near critically off 2 steps at a holiday property. That's the official story but there was a lot more to it, which tied into the Belt and Road deal that Andrews signed with the Communist Chinese Party that was later torn up by the Federal government. Now the rats are jumping ship, because the fallout from what he did with the mandates is being clearly witnessed, even if not officially reported.

Jeanee Rose Andrewartha on LinkedIn: Catherine and former Premier Daniel Andrews must be held to account for…
Catherine and former Premier Daniel Andrews must be held to account for the near fatal crash that severely injured a young man and for the lies they told…

We have the powerful union put into administration and linked to organized crime & politicians and organised crime boss George Alex boasting the CFMEU deemed his firms “untouchable” on building sites because union officials needed their “kickers”, according to police surveillance.

CFMEU administrator Mark Irving, KC, who was appointed to take over the union after this masthead’s Building Bad stories revealed infiltration of crime and corruption, has indicated in public statements that he intends to pick up where the AFP investigation into Alex left off: scrutinizing the way Alex and other labour hire bosses may have corrupted the union and building companies.

We have back flips on gas, where now if you gas water heater breaks down, you don't have to replace it with electricity and these common sense decisions will continue to be thrash out the absurd ones. The reality is that renewables will not replace the base load power from the coal fired power plants, any time soon nor do they provide a stable power source, necessary to run the grid from.

Not to be left out of the drama, we have the Liberal party leader in Victoria, facing a defamation trial brought by Moira Deeming MP. Moira is a woman of incredible integrity and she brought a motion for an inquiry into gender-affirming care; the transitioning of children to their preferred gender was voted down by Labor Party and the Greens 21-16.

Gender-affirming care can range from simple discussion in the office with use of preferred names, pronouns and gender identity to hormone therapy, speech therapy, mental health services to surgical management.

Moira Deeming says "It is not about you, it is about children, and what they deserve. What they deserve is evidence-based care. That is not what they are getting in Victoria."

It is interesting to note that the UK government has as of 22 August 2024 renewed a temporary ban on the sale and supply of puberty-suppressing hormones, known as 'puberty blockers.

She has sustained, an unbelievable amount of personal attacks for her unwavering advocacy for children. To have a woman of her caliber, set up by the media and bad actors, who deliberately sent a bunch of young adults pretending to do Nazi salutes, near a Let Women's Speak meeting, to incriminate her as a Nazi sympathizer, and then for her to have to endure vilification by her own party, whose knee jerk reaction to the media hype has now escalated to a full blown court case; is wrong on so many levels.

Next up, we have Russell Broadbent MP's letter demanding answers for the DNA contamination in the mRNA jabs. No surprise, Russell was also expelled from the Liberal Party.

Behind all of this, we have treasonous politicians and bureaucrats raping this country of it's wealth and subjugating it to globalist powers.

One of the wealthiest countries in the world, Australia is being brought to it's knees.

Regardless of how much wealth you think you have, that's being eroded away at break neck speed and the very social fabric could be lost permanently if nothing is done.

This excellent keynote speech breaks down the numbers and how it's been orchestrated through the ponzi mass immigration under the guise of Education exports and the destruction of manufacturing.

I would argue, all the major parties are as bad as each other with decades of planned demise and that it is far more nefarious than simply economic factors to reduce the local population's birth rate.

"You would think that a country sitting on 1200 years of coal supply, hoarding 28% of the world's uranium and dominating the global LNG market as the second largest exporter with a 20% share would have the cheapest and most reliable energy in the world. You would also think that a country with a population density of 3.46 people per square kilometer would have cheap housing. You would also think that a country with an iron grip on 56% of the global iron ore trade, the very backbone of modern industry that Australia would be a Colossus on the world stage and nation who's might is forged in steal of its own making, etc..."It's hard to believe the impoverishment we see in Australia today was accidental or just unchecked greed. Full keynote speech 👇
https://x.com/matt_barrie/status/1829438530055217330 and Linkedin post below

Jeanee Rose Andrewartha on LinkedIn: One of the wealthiest countries in the world, Australia is being brought… | 85 comments
One of the wealthiest countries in the world, Australia is being brought to it's knees. Regardless of how much wealth you think you have, that's being eroded… | 85 comments on LinkedIn

The common theme running through the demise of Australia is corruption and greed; add some depopulation and population replacement to the mix, which is consistent with colonization. Except this time, they want to replace the majority of people with robots, AI and have it all managed by a surveillance system.

Many people don't understand the significance of why Australia is strategically so important to the power structures of the world. Melbourne was designated the head of the NWO and Canberra the strategy hub. Australians sit on one of the mineral rich countries in the world, and exports 70% of it's agricultural production. Australia exported $80.4 billion in agriculture, fisheries and forestry (AFF) products in the 2022–23 financial year – a record high, and a 17% increase on the previous year and while New Zealand is reported in the news to be the island of choice for doomsday bunkers by the super rich billionaires; I wouldn't write off Australia, as one of the chosen destinations.

The government appointed Lt General J J Frewen to oversea the national rollout of c19 jabs, known as Operation COVID Shield. The plan was that every Australian would be jabbed and the slow uptake was unexpected, because they believed that the marketing campaign plus various mind control techniques would be sufficient but when it became clear that the public were not buying in, they then introduced mandates and used lock downs to break the population of Melbourne and West Sydney(in particular), where there was the greatest amount of resistance, with these areas serving as a warning to the rest of Australia to comply or else.

DARPA unclassified documents confirm C19 origins as a US state sponsored weapon of mass destruction. The lab bioweapon, the jab and shedding are all by design a form of poisoning that leads to widespread inflammatory response in the body and a host of disease. Usually exacerbating pre-existing conditions.

If you haven't watched my interview with Dr Kevin McCairn that explains the multiprong attack, you can find it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDxkyX1rF_0

Australia, militarily is also home to Pine Gap that is occupied and run by the US militarily, supposedly a joint effort with Australia.

"American foreign policy is trying to maximize global power essentially to be global hegemon." Jeffery Sachs. His interview below really summarizes where things are at, and how we could be heading to nuclear war. War is always about power and with the emergency of BRICS, the fall of the USD and fiat currencies, the global shift in power could very well see the Deep State and the Cabal behind them, desperate to hold onto power, unleash terror on the earth."

From a mathematical analysis, it was actually impossible to produce the quantities of jabs that Pharma claimed to have made, and like the PCR tests had to have been on order and in storage ready to deployed. This is undeniable and the wonderful thing about Australia, is that almost everything is traceable. The very digital surveillance laws used on the general population, with the tide turning captures the bad actors.

People knew about it. Just as people knew that Pfizer employees in Australia were getting specially imported, untested injections because they did not want to take from the local supply. As one lawyer told me, 'people were getting paid off' for their silence and promoting the jab.

What they didn't know, was how horrific the results would be and I think what we are seeing on the street level now, is various factions turning on each other and it is clearly by design to collapse society.

If you want a glimpse at the catastrophic impending collapse of the health care system. Watch the following video

Meanwhile in Queensland, The mass distribution of toxic poisons, by aerial, UTV's and on foot, in areas that have no evidence of fire ant activity and generally in heavily treed areas where 0% chance of fire ants establishing successful colonies exist, is creating anxiety, stress and angst in the community, damaging ecosystems and creating negative outcomes for non targeted species.

Now speaking to a farmer about varroa mites, it occurred to me that what if the varroa mite eradication program wasn't just about killing bees that produce our food but concentrating power into the hands of large bee keeping corporations. The honey bee industry is critical to Australia's agriculture. Bees produce honey and wax as well as pollinate crops. The industry is worth more than $14 billion annually. Around 70% of honey is produced from our native flora.

Now what if, these various programs are more about targeting small scale independent hobby and commercial farmers to corporatize bee keeping? I didn't realize that for almond farming, the bee keeper has 72 hours to get their bees out after the pollen has been eaten up or else the bees starve. So the mammoth effort of transporting hives to farmers for pollination of their crops, is carried out by companies and what if they could push out small players, and leave only the big corporate players in control of the pollination of crops?

In Chicage, government owned grocery stores a step closer; after government report finds them, "necessary, feasible and implementable."

Ultimately, this is the plan under a communist model, to nationalize all private companies and all means of production, to be government owned because "capitalism is evil". Years, ago when my eldest son was indoctrinated by Australian Universities into the cult of cultural Marxism, I would laugh about the idea that the government or as he put it, "the people" would take over all businesses; a reverse policy to privatization, would mean widespread nationalization of all businesses and assets but here we are and it's starting to be implemented with a government report rubber stamping it as necessary, feasible and implementable"

So when you are looking for a big picture, you can see how if the oligarchs through the governments control the whole supply chain from land/water to bees, animals, seeds and economically all the digital currency, it becomes possible to implement a voucher/food stamp system, computerize it so people get their "climate change" quota under a CBDC, use social credits to ensure people behave or simply cut off their access or jail them for non compliance.

The wars, economic problems, social unrest, political division, labor and housing shortages, failing medical system are just corralling people into the pen of absolute control by a surveillance state, connected to the internet of bodies and things.

They have managed to convert genetics into code; like a branch of computer science, where the genomic binary code uses 4 digits instead of 2. It really brings a whole new meaning to people being a zero or a one.

With all of this darkness, I do however see hope for the future. I know it may sound crazy to believe such things when we are in the middle of a war for our very lives.

Do remember to check out my articles on health https://uncensoredwisdom.com/tag/health/ from what I have learnt to slay the dragon of the toxic agents affecting health and recovering from heart failure.

Wars have gone on for thousands of years and we as humanity have overcome and learnt how to thrive and we will overcome once again but in order to do this, we need to do the inner work and build and strengthen our communities, our families, our relationships (both personal and business) with each other.

While mad sociopaths have their plans for world wide domination. It's absolutely absurd that it will ever be achievable. The overplayed hand has woken up people not only to the agenda but their own personal sovereignty and spirituality.

For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction. You don't know how strong you are, until you are faced with a crisis or difficult times but don't be so strong, as to not seek help and connection. There is still much good in the world to be grateful for.

Unlock the Healing Power of Light

In this conversational interview, I discuss the hidden danger of blue light toxicity with Pia Kynoch; the importance of full spectrum light, the timing of light exposure and it's importance to circadian rhythms that govern our bodily functions and it's relationship to breath, inflammation in the body, and the relationship between light exposure and disease risk.

"We now know that artificial light exposure at night is related to obesity and cardiovascular risk and particularly breast and prostrate cancers, mitochondrial dysfunction, hormones, etc"...."If you don't get your light story right, you can never get your health story right"

Skin care relates to the body being able to convert sunshine into vitamin D. The various forms of vitamin D and why supplementation does not address the underlying issue, of light deficiency. The interconnection of light as a nutrient with melanin, food, sleep, hydration, detoxification and overall health.

The master clock of the body being regulated by light.

We also discuss various biohacking ideas to combat against the artificial light world which has detrimental effects on our health and the importance of having one's own health journey story, to manifest positive health outcomes.

It was a great interview, that will hopefully inspire and heal.


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Direct link to article is https://uncensoredwisdom/white-horse-apocalypse

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Health Alliance Australia
We are a large and growing group of medical and allied health practitioners who are gravely concerned by the weaponization of medicine for political power and the erosion of our sovereign human rights and freedom of choice. We are dedicated to honouring bodily autonomy and well-informed health choices.

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