Black and White Hat Trump

22 min read
Black and White Hat Trump

The last few weeks has been an assault on our senses. "News bombing" with announcements hitting us from all angles with very little time in between to verify what is real before the next round of news. Like stunned deers, blinded by headlights, the world is trying to make sense of it all and divided between the pro-Trump and anti-Trump brigades. He is either saving the world or bringing about imminent destruction.

In RFK Jnr's acceptance speech after his nomination, he called President Trump, a man on a white horse. "We need somebody who is willing to come and has the spine and the guts and the strength, to challenge orthodoxies, to stand in the way of vested interests, and to break institutions that have turned against our democracy, President Trump has shown again and again, that he is that hero"

The white horseman represents conquest, but war against who?


When you consider, William Colby, director of the CIA from 1973 to 1976, said that "The Central Intelligence Agency controls everyone of any importance in the media" and now by using algorithms, and clandestine staff working as journalists or social media influencers/experts, it can control the alternative news in similar ways, as well as every thing from organized religion to the education system, it's a challenge to discern truth. A lie is often not the opposite of the truth but a distortion.

It's important to understand how narratives are shaped, that manipulate our decision making especially those that are a matter of life and death.

Jeanee Rose Andrewartha on LinkedIn: “The Central Intelligence Agency controls everyone of any importance in…
“The Central Intelligence Agency controls everyone of any importance in the mainstream media." Director of the CIA from 1973 to 1976, William Colby On the…

Money controls the media machine, with instructions given with clear objectives on how the political-media machine should think about an issue or who's to blame. They execute this by character assassinations, headlines, edited media clips taken out of context and paid actors. If you study the headlines, you can see that stories are co-ordinated across media networks, and the alternative news is also a well oiled machine. Think tanks, columnists, television presenters, Youtubers, activists, social media influencers all come on board with similar messaging and crafted alternate narratives that people share widely across their networks including by private email, chats and groups and daily conversations.

The algorithm also decides what messaging it wants to reward and what it wants to punish (censor, shadow ban) and consequently influencers become "trained" to produce content that is rewarded, because their reach is tied to their income and social standing. I have written more on how this,

Conflicting narratives become a way to weaponize division, which also feeds the social media algorithm with more engagement and with that comes more views and confusion is sowed by contradictory stories from "X causes cancer" to "X does not cause cancer", which leaves people mentally fatigued by the mixed messaging and they give up looking deeper for answers. Much of what is shared in the media is surface level designed to feed confirmation bias, that one can liken to junk food for immediate consumption, without the consumer having to consider the source of that information, ulterior motives, history or context. We all have a responsibility to become more conscious arbitrators of truth by exercising our discernment, intuition, curiosity and critical thinking because otherwise we fall into deception and/or we can inadvertently lead others astray.

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Masks and disguises are used to impersonate famous people and staged events otherwise known as false flags can be used to shape public perception.

Former CIA operative, Joanna Mendez discussed the use of masks and disguise with former President Bush at the White House.

"Hyper-realistic masks are made from flexible materials such as silicone and are designed to imitate real human faces – down to every last freckle, wrinkle and strand of real human hair. In a study by the Universities of York and Kyoto, researchers asked participants to look at pairs of photographs and decide which showed a normal face and which showed a person wearing a mask. Surprisingly, participants made the wrong call in one-in-five cases."

Jeanee Rose Andrewartha on LinkedIn: Masks and disguises used to impersonate famous people. Do you think you… | 40 comments
Masks and disguises used to impersonate famous people. Do you think you could spot the real from the fake? Former CIA operative, Joanna Mendez discussed the… | 40 comments on LinkedIn
Jeanee Rose Andrewartha on LinkedIn: Do you trust what you see in the media is real? Are the characters you see… | 35 comments
Do you trust what you see in the media is real? Are the characters you see real? If a make up artist can create this illusion, what do you think can be… | 35 comments on LinkedIn

Not only do you have hyper-realistic masks and but technology like Deep Fake can be used to impersonate important people in order to deliver a message to the public. Please hold this thought when considering the mixed messaging that is being seen in the media on Trump, and is it because there is both a white hat version (good) Trump and black hat version (bad) Trump; the former working for team humanity to restore freedom, accountability, truth and the latter destruction, tyranny and enslavement.


As much as the word, "unprecedented" has been worn thin during the last few years, these last few weeks since the inauguration of President Trump has been both chaotic and unprecedented.

There has been huge disclosures and the dust really hasn't settled on much of it. It's really the whole shock and awe strategy; that is constant. Blink and another major announcement or disclosure comes out.

At a recent, House Oversight Committee's Subcommittee on Delivering on Government Efficiency, Rep. Michael Cloud (R-TX) decried waste, fraud, and abuse in federal spending, revealing that 1 trillion dollars was stolen, 70% went overseas. Organized criminal groups within the public service both domestic and transnational.

While the vast majority of the public service are good people, "Tax payers are being forced to fund the demise of our own country" and money was siphoned off for many things that would have included bribery. If you wonder how certain people became very rich during the Pandemic, the data is now exposing the crimes against humanity.

This is a significant disclosure because many of the things that are being done against humanity, including weather wars, mind control, woke ideology on gender , biological weapons , food plandemics, etc.. are being done using tax payer money and to end these programs, the funding needs to be cut off.

It is said that Col Douglas McGregor has been advising DJT directly on Ukraine situation

DOGE ending funding for USAID was a huge move against the Deep State that exposed many nefarious programs that were being funded tax payer money. Trump also ordered investigating the Pentagon (The Defense Department said it’s still unable to track its nearly trillion-dollar budget but remains on track to pass an audit by 2028) and offered of 8 months termination for CIA staff. Tulsi Gabbard confirmed as United States' Director of National Intelligence. Edward Snowden expected to receive a full and unconditional pardon, and release/pardon of the J6 protesters and huge amounts of corruption exposed. Kash Patel confirmed as the Director of the FBI. RFK Junior confirmed as the secretary of Health and Human Services and the IRS being investigated. The list goes on

Announcement of the declassification of Federal secrets by Senator Anna Paulina Luna, who together with the help of the White house and intelligence allies, the Department of Defense, the Department of Justice will be conducting investigations the assassinations of JFK, RFK, Dr Martin Luther King and unidentified aerial phenomena also known as UAPs and objects also known as UFOs, the release of the Epstein client list, the origins of covid-19 and the 9/11 files.

The USAID also funneled $4.88 Billion to GAVI and $700 million to the WHO.

Dismantling the Deep State, which the bureaucracy that has enabled criminality is a process of disclosure, accountability, creating the legal framework, dismantling the instruments of control (including their funding) and eventually jail. All the data is captured, because the same systems that were designed to control and subjugate humanity can also be used to unearth corruption.

USAID was also used to fund revolutions in other countries. In 2003–2004, Soros’ International Renaissance Foundation partnered with USAID to support with roughly $90M Ukraine's ‘Orange Revolution’. In April 2018, USAID “sponsored “Soros’ globalist agenda in Guatemala with $100M . October 2018, USAID partnered with Soros to fund radical left-wing activists in Albania.


In recent weeks, we have heard Trump announce that Fort Knox will be be audited for the gold and Senator Gerard Rennick asks difficult questions on the whereabouts of Australia's gold. According to the RBA, the Reserve bank of Australia the majority of Australia's gold reserves are held by the Bank of England so it is very concerning that the gold has been melted down and given to someone else.

Jeanee Rose Andrewartha on LinkedIn: Concerning. President Trump plans to order DOGE to audit Fort Knox to… | 94 comments
Concerning. President Trump plans to order DOGE to audit Fort Knox to verify that all gold reserves are properly accounted for. "We're going to go to Fort… | 94 comments on LinkedIn

This story about the gold is linked to Trump and very important to the security of the nations. We don't often think about the gold but it is a key part of this global battle for humanity's future.

An intriguing story of the secret vaults of gold and how the gold was taken back and now in possession of the Trust, and how it relates to current events worldwide. Karen Hudes, a former senior counsel for the World Bank was a key player in restoration of the wealth of the nations. It is a story of war, theft, secrecy, espionage and murder going back thousands of years, that is relevant to current pivotal moment in time and how the wealth of the nations was retrieved and asset backed currency is being returned to the people to enable prosperity.

The Golden Age
This is an intriguing story of secrecy, espionage, gold and history going back thousands of years, that is relevant to current pivotal moment in time and how the wealth of the nations was retrieved and asset backed currency is being returned to the people to enable prosperity.


The Wellcome Trust and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are lobbying Congress around the clock to try and prevent the Big Pharma investigations; their first attempt included the forging of 3,000+ epidemiologists to say they don’t support RKF Jnr's confirmation as Secretary of Health and Human Services failed horribly. One of the early discoveries at USAID was their tie into the development of the polio vaccine distribution overseas in their first year of operation. Polio vaccine was contaminated SV40 or simian virus.

Fluoride will no longer to be added to water in the USA, RFK Jnr forced the FDA to release a report they had taken 20 years to longitudinally study the effect of fluoride and found it reduces IQ and impacts brain and spine development.

In terms of the childhood vaccine schedule, the first step RFK Jnr has asked for is the removal the need for a vaccine injury to be submitted 3 times before it is registered as a statistic. He has commenced the design and scope of a replacement for the CDC VAERS database.

RFK Jr. launching a federal investigation into the causes of autism—a topic Big Pharma has buried for decades and the DOJ is launching a RICO investigation into collusion between medical boards, journals, and pharma giants; the house of cards is about to collapse.

Proving harm or no benefit is going to take time but comes with proper independent data and investigation. I don't think in many ways RFK Jnr has a choice because the people are demanding accountability and you can see this reflected in the mainstream media that is now also reporting things they did not previously.



Now RFK Jnr is very aware of the issue of biolabs and wrote the book, The Wuhan cover-up : and the terrifying bioweapons arms race and he has also been recorded saying that the bioweapon was genetically targeted. If you recall, Trump said the origin of the virus was Chyna and most people would have assumed he meant China not Chyna, Ukraine.

RFK Jnr was grilled about the bioweapon at his confirmation hearing on his previous statements about c19 being racially targeted. He has been filmed saying about c19, "We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact" due to the differences between races of the ACE2 receptor, affecting Caucasians and Black people more and spare Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.

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Russian officials have openly stated that public health facilities in Ukraine were "secret U.S.-funded biolabs" developing bioweapons.

War on US Biolabs in the Ukraine
So after 2 years of being lied to, gas lit and hated on by the media and government. and seeing so many around me harmed by their actions and suddenly I am meant to believe that they are the good guys in a war. I don’t think so. Nothing is

Recently, Professor Francis Boyle died suddenly and he was the man who drafted the Bioweapons Act, that made biological weapons development in US a crime. When I interviewed him, he called for all BSL-3 and BSL-4 labs to be closed.

He was an American human rights lawyer and professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law. He served as counsel for Bosnia and Herzegovina and supported the rights of Palestinians and indigenous peoples.

His death and others who have brought to light the bio-weapons aspect of the virus, which was engineered to have HIV inserts, GP120 inserts and other lab modifications like gain of function that made it more infectious and dangerous. His deaths and others like US Military whistleblower LT Scott Bennett, who dropped bombshells on the Ukrainian Bio-weapons labs, and the killing of Lt Gen Igor Kirillov the head of Russia's Radiation, Chemical, and Biological Defense and independent journalist, Gonzalo Lira suggest that they want to cover up the true origins; that it was an intentional release, designed to kill or permanently disable.

So many people were completely cancelled, lost accounts, shadow banned leaving a few key players including the government ones to reach the masses and many of the paid "actors" masquerading as politicians, journalist and experts were handsomely rewarded for their part in the charade. I would really question anything that is popularized and avoid it because a lie spreads faster than the truth.

Dr Richard Fleming has been spearheading indictments for those responsible. Will the new administration move forward with this court action to hold those who made the bioweapon to account? Dr Fleming is friends with RFK Jnr, so it's hopeful that there will be progress on this front.


Understandably, it's easy to be cynical that the whole thing is just an act, and the digital ID SMART City prison is going to close in on all of us. In a world of double crosses, broken promises, corruption, greed and murder, anything can happen.

Trump's announcement of 500 billion to mRNA AI jab technology, the transfer of 11-ton bombs, dubbed the “Mother of All Bombs” (MOAB) to the Israeli regime and his announcement of the removal of Palestinians and claiming that Gaza is a wasteland devastated by war and hence absorbed into the territory of the US was a black hat move.

Trump stands on a podium with Netanyahu saying Gaza will be redeveloped into the finest real-estate in the world and if you look carefully at the pillars next to them both, there is the symbol of the baphomet.

But do you recall when Trump shared an inflammatory video featuring economist Jeffrey Sachs, who accuses Netanyahu of manipulating US foreign policy and orchestrating “endless wars” in the Middle East? Here it is below.

So how does one reconcile that in February 2025, Trump suggesting that after relocating the Palestinians, the US will simply take Gaza or reconcile Trump making millions off his meme coins while on the other hand, telling the American people he will ban CBDC?

Trump is either has a split personality disorder or it's not the same character playing Trump.

Here is where truth gets stranger than fiction.

If you recall a few weeks ago, the Black Hawk helicopter that collided with a regional American Airlines flight in midair when it was about to land at the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, sources say that the Black Hawk helicopter was remotely hijacked, and an actor playing the role of white hat Trump was killed in that accident and replaced with black hat Trump.

Jeanee Rose Andrewartha on LinkedIn: Dozens are believed to be dead after a regional American Airlines flight… | 35 comments
Dozens are believed to be dead after a regional American Airlines flight collided with an Army helicopter in midair on Wednesday night when it was about to… | 35 comments on LinkedIn


New White Hat Trump and Musk Avatars Continue Revolution – Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis


Game theory is the study of how players strategize and make decisions. It's a way to model scenarios in which conflicts of interest exist among the players.

Considering Game Theory and how one would take down the Deep State that is cashed up using public money and stolen gold, you would need to cut off the supply of money and retrieve the gold, remove the people employed to do harm from continuing to do so and provide the conditions for disclosure and accountability.

In a space of a few weeks, the supply of money has been cut to black ops, people have been removed that were not working in the best interest of society (unfortunately good people too but they will be rehired elsewhere), the data has been captured and the gold was retrieved a few years ago and is stored securely and secretly for the benefit of humanity. That's a longer story....

The Golden Age
This is an intriguing story of secrecy, espionage, gold and history going back thousands of years, that is relevant to current pivotal moment in time and how the wealth of the nations was retrieved and asset backed currency is being returned to the people to enable prosperity.


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We are reaching a pivotal shift in human consciousness, as we learn to lean into our spiritual senses to find truth and balance. See my previous article

Pivotal moment in time
There are pivotal places, events and people in your life, that change your world view and you are never the same, which I will refer to as activation points or shifts in consciousness. I remember when days would pass of familiar faces and routines, and one’s outlook in life stayed

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