"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." Sun Tze
The world has been run by 13 blood line families for thousands of years. These bloodlines received their authority and technology from the Draco to rule over humanity. In the podcast we discuss the very dark Satanic world of the parasitic elite in more detail.
The book, Bloodlines of the Illuminati can be found interestingly enough on the CIA website or can be purchased on Amazon. It is written from a Christian worldview and goes into detail the bloodlines but not the history beforehand or the fact that in this current time, these bloodlines are at war with each other and the power struggle is so huge that it threatens all the families on earth.
The author writes "This book will not be error free. There will be typos, and misspelled names, and errors of various kinds. The author is not God Almighty. I do not have every hair on these people’s heads counted. This book has not been put out with the luxury of ghost writers, editors, a paid staff of researchers and a large budget. I look at many trivial projects which the elite are able to pour millions of dollars into, and I look at the research I do when at times I’ve not had a dime to photocopy some document I want.
There is so much for me to communicate about the Illuminati, who they are, what their rituals are like, and how they control the world that it has taken several years of writing to begin to give people a fully cohesive picture.
Finally, after a number of requests that I assemble my writings exposing the top 13 Illuminati bloodlines, I have taken the time to put it all together in a book with a comprehensive index. History is important. In order to know where we are going, we need to know where we have been. To control the past is to control the present. The Illuminati’s control over the entire learning process from cradle to grave gives them great ability to shape our frames of references. Jesus spoke about historical things.
Paul reminded people of historical things. Josephus wrote a history of the nation of Israel.
Long ago in the dark unwritten pages of human history, powerful kings discovered how they could control other men by torture, magical practices, wars, politics, religion and interest taking. These elite families designed strategies and tactics to perpetuate their occult practices. Layers upon layers of secrecy have hidden these families from the profane masses, but many an author has touched upon their existence.
I began my research when I began to get first hand reports from very informed people that an elite group did rule the world. My research into Satan’s hierarchy went fast because of my skills as a researcher and because I knew from the beginning from my informants about the reality of what I was investigating. My investigation into the Illuminati, led me to read and pray about thousands of books. The quantity of books, newspapers, magazines and manuscripts and papers which were read to get me to where I am today numbers in the many thousands. I do not know how many nights I stayed up studying and finally collapsed into sleep with blurred red eyes."
Warning that the interview below contains disturbing material but has been well received and we are grateful for all the positive feedback. It is a very difficult topic to introduce and discuss.
In Modern days, the parasitic elite use the various media organizations including alternative, three letter agencies, foundations, companies and banks, IT giants to exert their power. The diagram below is a very basic overview of how these groups control the public. At the top though above the BIS is the 13 bloodline families; that are mostly hidden from view.

One of the rules of engagement is that they have to tell you what they are doing before they do it. It's part of the ritual and they also have on display through the various statues, architecture and (rituals they have humans engage in), evidence of who they really are.
Going back in time, many cultures in history, from the Australian dream time of rainbow serpent to the Chinese dragon, have associated reptilian creatures with creation and the gods.

In front of the city of London at various important locations in the city, you will see statues dedicated to their religion and their gods. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon_boundary_mark Below is the statues outside, local council building in Melbourne.

The full interview (below) with Dr A Fursov is very insightful. He says, "I think it is impossible to create a world government because the clans at the top of the capitalist and post capitalist system will not be able to come to an agreement." In 2021, Attali said when he was asked a question by Nouvelle observateur magazine, "what will it take to create a new world order?" and he said "A trigger event", "War?" "NO war is old news. Maybe a pandemic he said"
Nash equilibrium is named after its inventor, John Nash an American mathematician. It is considered one of the most important concepts of game theory, which attempts to determine mathematically and logically the actions that participants of a game should take to secure the best outcomes for themselves and this is what we are seeing play out here, on a global scale.Imagine you are a criminal and you’ve been arrested along with your co-conspirator. The police take you both into separate rooms where you are unable to communicate with each other. The police do not have enough evidence to convict you on the main charge but do have enough to convict you on a lesser charge. While you are confined in the room, the police offer both of you the same deal—if you testify against your co-conspirator, you will get immunity! What do you do?Now imagine the scenario where Cabal is cornered and they still have certain weapons up their sleeve but they know that if they lose, they lose everything and if both sides are engaged in a fight to the death, without compromise and have a litany of weapons at their disposal, how bad do you think, things might get?
Well, I think this is what we are seeing played out in real time.
Why does Dr A Fursov say they have to get rid of Trump? He says it is because he stands in the way of revolutionary transition, that includes the end of the middle class. Now Trump is also part of these 13 bloodlines, as are the Kennedy's but here in this lecture it gives an insight into the ideological division between the ultra-globalists and globalists. However it says nothing of the mafia like and murderous tit for tat war between clans that has been going on for thousands of years.
Shakespeare in MacBeth and other works showed the blood thirsty nature of the rulers.

William Tompkins (1923-2017) was one of the most secretive scientists in the United States. Tompkins first designed sea ships and then spaceships. In July 2017, at a press conference, he made an unprecedented statement. He worked for the Douglas Aircraft Company with aliens. It was 4-7 years before NASA appeared. Two years before the interview, he wrote a book about working together with an alien civilization, shocking the world. Journalists hunted for the engineer, demanding to talk about the role of alien intelligence in a secret space program.
In addition to these statements, Tompkins claimed that during World War II, the Nazis received technology from aliens, due to which they were able to build huge underground factories in Antarctica. Thousands of workers were taken there and in these factories, they made flying saucers.
Tompkins said that the alien civilization known as “Draco” transferred those technologies to Germany. They built spaceships in Germany and trained the Germans during the war. Draco planned to eliminate humans on Earth. At first glance, all his statements are fantastic. However several facts suggest that Antarctica is still hiding some terrible secret.
https://www.howandwhys.com/bill-tompkins/ (Source including link to video interview)
Evidence of Draco architecture is found throughout the world but in particular Canberra, the city is modeled with the Draco star system in mind.
Lastly, I leave you with a video on how they use the corporate structure for control but as you can see, this is just one facet.
Next podcast
Join us for Gender Wars Humanity's last stand, a "closer to the heart" deep dive into the engineered war of the sexes by the forces behind the Agenda.
We will cover the topics of the weaponization of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), the trad wife narrative, why it is that politicians and bureaucrats can't answer the question of what is a woman, and why families and strong communities matter.
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Christina and myself are hosting a weekly online podcast where we delve deeply into issues of the heart. ❤️
Live on the 31st July 2024, at 7am Australian Eastern Standard Time(Or 30th July 2024 2PM PST/5PM EST)
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Christina has made a beautiful introduction of what we want to create in these weekly podcasts, where through authentic connection and heart to heart conversation, we use story telling to share wisdom, experiences and knowledge for inward transformation, better relationships and positive change.
Direct link will be updated a day before the event.This will be a safe space in the true meaning of that word, sparking deeper conversation and connection. Small but mighty.
You're invited to join us, to build something truly unique and authentic. In a world where things may seem quite bleak at times, confrontational and divisive; it's important to bring hope, unity and heart. Mark it in your calendar
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