Gender wars Humanity's Last Stand

10 min read
Gender wars Humanity's Last Stand
Photo by Markus Spiske / Unsplash

"We funded Women's Lib...we couldn't tax half the population before and the second reason was now we get the kids to school at an early age we can indoctrinate the kids how to think, it breaks up their family."

Feminism was a political movement that was funded by Cabal and through various philanthropic organizations to cause division between men and women, and destroy the family which is the foundation of a strong society. from 59 minutes, he discusses the agenda to destroy family for control and when you destroy the family, what you end up is human trafficking and authoritarian rule.

The attack is multifaceted and nefarious and it's why we have devoted a number of weeks to this topic because it's not just that schools are indoctrinating children into gender ideology but that testosterone levels are dropping worldwide and then there is Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in workplaces that is equivalent to how COVID was used to control health. The gender wars are complex.

In the first episode we establish the scene and introduce the agent provocateurs, who are put out as social influencers to push the agenda, and cause division. They are highly intelligent and mix truth with lies, sow division under the guise of knowledge and they are aligned to the CIA, WEF and other three letter agencies while pretending to be part of the freedom, truth movement or mainstream. Once you understand how this game is being played, and see how wolves in sheep's clothing come to deceive and profit from it, you can't unsee it. You can see the controlled opposition and the lies.

Men and Women are fundamentally different.

"The wiring of our brain in the womb and the effect of hormones will determine how we think and behave.

In this book, you will see how science confirms that men and woman are profoundly different both physically and mentally. They are not the same. We have investigated the research of leading palaeon-tologists, ethnologists, psychologists, biologists and neuro scientists. The brain differences between women and men are now clear, beyond all speculation, prejudice or reasonable doubt.

When weighing up the differences between males and females discussed in this book, some people may say, 'No, that's not like me, I don't do that!' Well, maybe they don't. But we are dealing here with average men and women, that is, how most men and women behave most of the time, in most situations." Source

Different does not mean better or worse.

Today, the argument is that gender roles are not clearly defined. Yet trans are using makeup, breast implants, surgery, hormones to look more male or female. Essentially enforcing stricter gender roles that heterosexual norms. It's very bizarre. The logic is flawed but yet schools and the media is implanting the idea that if you use hormones and surgery you can transition from male to female and visa versa.

While intersex is rare, a child is born so noticeably atypical in terms of genitalia that a specialist in sex differentiation is called in, the number comes out to about 1 in 1,500 to 1 in 2,000 births, we now have the incredible situation where 30% of Generation Z identify as LGBTQ

And in Victoria, Australia it is a 10 year jail sentence to convince someone against transitioning to the other sex and you can change your gender without surgery every 12 months by filling in a form with Birth, Deaths and Marriages.

Brendan Murphy was unable to define a woman at Senate Estimates


Atrazine is a potent endocrine disruptor that both chemically castrates and feminizes male amphibians. We also do not know the effect of plasticizers, the pill, fetal cells used in jabs, chemicals in products, poor nutrition has on normal sexual development. In a soon to be published podcast with Dr Garrett Smith we touch on how the declining testosterone ( and rising infertility is all linked to poisoning. This is a ground breaking interview, that will change the way you see detoxification, healing and the promotion of harmful products as natural and safe, that lead to early death. He really throws a spanner in the works of the multi-billion dollar wellness and pharma industries.


Educationally, boys and girls are different but boys for decades have fallen behind and there has been nothing done to address this imbalance. We can surmise that the education system is geared towards female development more than masculine.

How this has been orchestrated is through the legal structures, media, various institutions such as the Frankfort school , who then spread their work to other universities, and then it all penetrates through to the school system, companies, and other organizations.

This is a very interesting workshop that I attended that will get you up to speed quite quickly on how Cultural Marxism was spread.

A full list of lectures can be found

The end goal of DEI is destruction of society. I discuss this in the podcast.

The Eradication of the Divine Feminine

From arranged marriage to sexual abuse and trafficking, trans in sports to the cancellation of women in law, we explore in a closer to the heart podcast, intimately what it means to be a woman; toxic femininity versus the divine feminine.

Nut and Ma’at aren’t female goddesses for trivial reasons. In my tradition, the very fabric of creation (Nut) and the very fabric of truth (Ma’at) are feminine. Whilst Thoth, Ma’at’s husband, was tasked with directing, protecting and acting upon Ma’at’s truth, the truth itself was embodied in his wife. She held it for him to act upon; and he made sure nothing defiled it.

When it comes to creation (Nut), the importance of her being female is very obvious. It is through the female form, and the womb, that a soul embarks on its journey in this reality. The woman is the portal through which we enter this life. She is beautifully and specifically designed to perform that miraculous function, and so the human species has the privilege of continuing on and on. She is considered sacred by most ancient traditions from around the world for that reason.

The famous symbol of life, the ‘Ankh’ amplifies the place of femininity (and its marriage with masculinity) in another way.



The Emasculation of the Divine Masculine

The final week of our online live series is The Emasculation of the Divine Masculine.

Men are suffering. Males are 3 times more likely to take their own life than females. As a whole, boys have been falling behind girls for decades. 85% of rough sleepers are male. Men have lower life expectancy and negative portrayal in the media.

From the rise of hashtag#metoo and the weaponization to DEI against men, to cancel culture and false accusations to changing social expectations, we ask the question of where do men stand in a world gone woke.

We explore in a closer to the heart podcast, toxic masculinity versus the divine masculine.

Linkedin invitation below

Live on the 14th August 2024, at 7am Australian Eastern Standard Time(Or 13th August 2024 2PM PST/5PM EST)

Mark it in your calendar 🙏 Feel free to inbox us.

The Emasculation of the Divine Masculine | LinkedIn
Men are suffering. Males are 3 times more likely to take their own life than females. As a whole, boys have been falling behind girls for decades. 85% of rough sleepers are male. Men have lower life expectancy and negative portrayal in the media. From the rise of #metoo and the weaponization to DEI against men, to cancel culture and false accusations to changing social expectations, we ask the question of where do men stand in a world gone woke. We explore in a closer to the heart podcast, toxic masculinity versus the divine masculine. About the hosts Nick Tucker Agriculture, Soil Reclamation, Primary Water, Localized Food Supply Chain Consultant “We are, as a culture and as a species, in the midst of a great awakening, remembering that there is a nature of things, an inherent, Divine design. The more aware of and in alignment with that design we can become, the more we will experience the deep desires of our hearts and souls, and perhaps, together, we can truly create a world that works for everyone.” Jeanee Rose Andrewartha Jeanee is a writer, podcaster, website developer/consultant, mother of 11, veteran home-educator of 26+ years, heart failure survivor, founder of, and and regular podcaster on She says: “I believe healthy relationships and families are the foundation of society, and cherish my connection to Divine. I have had several near death experiences which have been incredibly transformative and I have also experienced grief, persecution, and betrayal but despite all the hardships in life, I remain positive, fearless and open hearted.” Christina Marie Goerss (aka PowerGirl) is technical information delivery specialist, podcaster, and cottage core content creator with a passion for seeing #TeamHumanity those these difficult transitions as we align with the Creator finding purpose and POWER through the pain. She is a whistleblower and freedom warrior fan girl waving the flag and collecting the record for #WeThePeople. To explore PowerGirl Christina’s homemade healing products: If you enjoy PowerGirl’s podcast on StreamYard and would like to open a StreamYard account click here: If you enjoy PowerGirl’s edited videos and would like to open a Wondershare account click here:

There are many nuances to this topic and why we are covering it by podcasts, with written content supplementing the material presented. This is a very serious subject and though a lot of focus has been on an Algerian boxer's gender, who may or may not be intersex, that particularly story is click bait compared to what is happening on the ground, in the institutions of law and socially through engineered wars and division in homes across the Western world and the ultimate goal being to destabilize society, destroy the family, so people are more easily controlled and to weaken, sterilize and depopulate large swathes of the population while causing mass poverty. As expected, the Algerian boxer Imane is now filing lawsuits but this was always part of the script.

We are at war and we must equip ourselves with the knowledge of understanding who the enemy is and their goals and to work backwards from that to see the big picture, in order to defend ourselves and advance humanity forward. Evil will destroy itself but we need to pick up the tools to rebuild.

I understand that there is a lot of material covered in this article and podcasts but one thing people need to be aware of is the controlled opposition media that produces sound bite news but takes one so far but no further and keeps people in a bread and circuses stupor, with agent provocateurs and controlled narratives. Below I have posted a link to 26 download clips by David Icke and he describes how the media and alternative media, are two wings of the same bird and many other things to help one break free of the matrix simulation.

ROSE/ICKE 9 - Digital Freedom Platform


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Direct link to article is https://uncensoredwisdom/gender-wars

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