Crowdstrike is the global cybersecurity company whose update brought down many critical IT services worldwide recently. CrowdStrike worked with the Democratic National Committee in 2016 to investigate a suspected hack and concluded that Russian intelligence-affiliated adversaries breached the DNC. CrowdStrike said there was Russian interference in 2016 US elections which Trump won and Trump accused Crowdstrike and it's founders, that are linked to Ukraine of hundreds of millions of dollars of fraud. In May 2017, the company exceeded a valuation of 1 billion and when made public in 2019 had a valuation of $6.6 billion.
The war in Ukraine over the servers, bio-weapons labs and land is all tied into the political, economic and social landscapes, in very dark ways that have the potential to bring down the whole world via a comprehensive cyber attack. We have seen it with the pandemic how far things can go.
Live on the 24th July 2024, at 7am Australian Eastern Standard Time (Or 23rd July 2024 2PM PST/5PM EST) you can join our weekly live chat Christina and I, in The Closer to the Heart episode is going to cover Crowdstrike and the attempted assassination in the context of "Who are they? The Grand masters behind the agenda." Linkedin invite is or you can subscribe to the Youtube channel below.
Recording will be available after the show has finished.
We know the globalist powers are desperate to control social media and the internet. It's important to understand why certain things are being done and the warring factions. One group want the middle class destroyed, and mass depopulation and the other is against that plan, but is not necessarily "good". I think we can be very caught up in the narratives of good versus evil, but there are so many factions fighting it out for domination and survival, understanding the big picture requires some effort and to break free from the idea, that one side is fighting for "good".
This is an incredibly insightful lecture that explains the global power structures from a political economic model. He says "I think it is impossible to create a world government because the clans at the top of the capitalist and post capitalist system (50minutes 5) will not be able to come to an agreement." In 2021, Attali said when he was asked a question by Nouvelle observateur magazine, "what will it take to create a new world order?" and he said "A trigger event", "War? NO war is old news. Maybe a pandemic he said"

The Swine flu was the trial run but it failed because it was very limited people and they were still afraid to let loose a virus. So, in 2018 a revolutionary approach was needed. Two things were needed because Trump had blocked a revolutionary transition, a coup was needed in the US and also they needed to remove Trump. But Trump could only be removed by breaking the social and political system of America which was done. So what was happening is the revolutionary transition to post capitalism but not according to Marxist moulds. This transition is not made by the proletarians and the oppressed but by the ruling strata of the bourgeoisie or rather, the post bourgeoisie society themselves.
And as they discussed there would be no middle class. He goes on to to say there would be different groups of people, one will control the social networks (opinions) and this will be the main object of appropriation to control thoughts and to control behaviors which includes buying choices but what stands in the way of the New World Order is the wealth and influence of the middle class, which must be destroyed if the ultra-globalists are to achieve their goals. Whether it is economically or socially, the reason why the middle class are in the cross fires is because the middle class stand in the way of the New World Order. Trump is a globalist not an ultra-globalist. The ultra-globalist wants the middle class completely gone and this is where we are in the war.
I discuss with Christina, why it is the children and families are under attack. As Dr A Fursov says "One of the tasks of the ultra-globalists is the destruction of the family, turning people into atomized mass, that a person is easy to manage because where there is a strong family unit, it is very difficult to manipulate"
"But the point is that capitalism is an extensively evolving system. like slave ownership but not like feudalism. The way capitalism works is that as soon as the global profit margin of the capitalist system fails, capitalism ripped a chunk out of the non capitalist zone and turned it into a periphery. That is from a cheap labor area and also an area from which natural resources were taken. Everything would go up and the profit margin would go up and then what would happen is that capitalism could not compete against the periphery but at the centre and then this meant that at the end of the 19th century, the capitalist system found itself redundant."
If you understand Nash's equilibrium in relation to economics, in our current world this explains why capitalism is in decline. It is a victim of it's own success.
Nash equilibrium is named after its inventor, John Nash an American mathematician. It is considered one of the most important concepts of game theory, which attempts to determine mathematically and logically the actions that participants of a game should take to secure the best outcomes for themselves and this is what we are seeing play out here, on a global scale.
Imagine you are a criminal and you’ve been arrested along with your co-conspirator. The police take you both into separate rooms where you are unable to communicate with each other. The police do not have enough evidence to convict you on the main charge but do have enough to convict you on a lesser charge. While you are confined in the room, the police offer both of you the same deal—if you testify against your co-conspirator, you will get immunity! What do you do?
Now imagine the Cabal is cornered and they still have certain weapons up their sleeve but they know that if they lose, they lose everything and if both sides are playing for sudden death, without compromise and have a litany of weapons at their disposal, how bad do you think, things might get?
Well this is what we are seeing played out in real time.
Where things are changing is that humanity is becoming much more aware and its reflected in the declining child vax rates, people questioning and researching how the world is really run, taking authority over their own lives and becoming self-aware is bad news for running a dictatorship.

"and revolutionary transition implies breaking people's consciousness, establishing control over social networks, that is over the non-material factors of production."
Power in today's world is in the raising of human consciousness, the establishment of social and business networks that lie outside globalist control and in ideas. To explain this in more simplistic terms because there is no shortage of capital to fund production, capitalism being so efficient, it eventually becomes that there is no competitive advantage as time goes on and everything levels out. Winning is in the creative sphere of ideas.
Look back on my articles on mind control and narrative control and you can see how important it is to globalist powers to occupy space in our heads and where they are losing the war is on the internet and in people gathering together who have met online to effect change. Across the world there are a raft of legislation and regulations being rolled out to control what is published or said online. While the arguments are centred around free speech, one must understand that it is not that they won't allow speech but they won't allow speech that deviates from the narrative, that empowers people and sheds light on their crime syndicate. Voices that elevates humanity will be suppressed.
UN Cybercrime Treaty Convention is taking place July 29th to August 9th 2024, with a vote on implementing the treaty below. This has a far broader scope than the WHO Pandemic Treaty.
According to the Cyber Peace Institute
"The multi-stakeholder community has consistently raised alarm that this Treaty risks becoming a tool that justifies and facilitates States’ violations of human rights. This is not an abstract concern. It is well-documented7 and extremely concerning that there is a global rise in the use and misuse of cybercrime instruments and legislation by some governments to restrict privacy, freedom of expression, assembly and association, and target and surveil individuals and groups citing national security concerns, maintaining social order, and fighting terrorism. States are urged to ensure that the Convention is not able to be exploited by States with a poor human rights record who seek to justify human rights abuses under the guise of combating cybercrime."
It's been very clear that part of this whole fight has been that they already knew people would organize and use the systems they had already set up to oppose them and they had installed puppets in positions of power. It really becomes a point of whether it is worth the energy to fight a losing battle or simply to create a new reality for ourselves and wait for the old system to fall away on it's own.
Are schools saveable from woke ideology or do people home-school and exit the system? How do we combat government institutions that reclassify complaints as enquiries and Senate submissions as correspondence? When a court system is so hijacked that I listened to a Professor in Law say the judges are making decisions that are unconstitutional, so then why bother taking a matter to court?
Knowledge is power. To understand the why is to avoid the pitfalls but also to make positive change based on understanding rather than following the program handed to us through an indoctrinated education system.
Check out my latest interviews with Di Ellis, Matt Goddard and Dr Keryn Johnson that are examples of positive change and healing. I am looking for other people who have a unique story of healing or practitioners who have success stories interview. If you know anyone, please reach out to me.
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Direct link to article is https://uncensoredwisdom/crowd-struck
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