Weak minds will not survive
"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious", Ben Obi-Wan says in Star Wars and no truer words can equally apply to the political parasite class and their hired operatives that do their bidding. In Mathematics, in order to calculate the outcome, you need to know the variables and the weightings of these and there are so many things in play right now.
The c19 bioweapon will continue to cause harm, and a recent article in the Neurology Journal, titled "Driving Under the Influence of COVID-19: Exploring the Impact of Acute SARS-CoV-2 infection on road safety" that basically states that the spike protein impairs cognitive function and jabs had no protective mechanism. Of course, they are not going to do a study on if the jabs were directly associated with increased car accidents.
Personally, our family has already had 2 cars written off in 2022, and 2023 both from drivers that rammed into the back of us and another time a car ran into the back of a friend's car while we were stationary at traffic lights but there was fortunately no damage that time. There are so many weird accidents on the road. In late October 2024, an 11 year old boy died and 4 other children were injured when a car ran into a school fence, a truck veered off a highway and ran into a house killing an elderly couple, many one vehicle fatalities, pedestrians getting hit from drivers blanking out. The tow truck driver of many decades said, he's never been so busy.
I met a guy in hospital a few months ago who was admitted because he blanked out and no reason could be found and there are many stories similar, where like a switch is turned off, people lose control of their minds or die suddenly.
You really have to consider the nefariousness of the beings that released this bio-weapon on society that could also be spread through shedding and that no matter how many inquiries, petitions, protests, legal actions are launched, not only do the jabs continue but more come out and people are also getting poisoned by the various promoted remedies including off the counter medication and supplements and this week, I have been working on a podcast with Trevor Hold where he describes the mass poisoning of Queensland under the pretense of fire ant eradication that is pretty much COVID 2.0.
For all health related articles, please see https://uncensoredwisdom.com/tag/health/ , especially the more recent ones.
It really is sickening, how many ways people can be poisoned and people are being paid to poison other people too. The ABS have decided they don't want to compare 2024 mortality with any year prior to 2022. Not that one can believe anything that comes out of the ABS but I have news for them, that this crime against humanity is simply not going to be shoveled under a rug because the deaths and injuries are going to continue and the elephant in the room is too big to hide. Best to come clean now.
The system works by compartmentalizing responsibility, so that no one is fully responsible or accountable; so they think any way. Each of them passes the ball of responsibility around, FOI documents if they do get answered eventually, are often redacted of any important information, complaints and petitions go ignored, emails unanswered, submissions tossed in some online bin, data manipulated, conclusions make no sense but since the majority just read headlines, graphs and conclusions and think they are "educated" and the population closes their eyes and digs their head in the sand until they get sick.
The BMJ journal perhaps to build some shred of credibility published the following.
The truth is that all the data is there that prove harm, autopsies aren't being properly done or not done at all, a criminal investigation should be started so researchers aren't guessing as to what went on and how to fix things.
Instead the Australian government is moving on to alter the Gene Technology regulations that will mean they can roll out mRNA jabs to livestock, humans, food and pushing through the Misinformation and Disinformation Bill and banning under 16s from accessing the internet and the real agenda for that is so as to link Digital ID to social media and ultimately they will link it to one's ability to access the internet. All of this is going to be futile because whatever shred of trust they had left is now gone and people like teenagers will simply ignore, bypass and find ways around the rules. In hindsight, it's all we had to do with the jabs as well; simply not comply.
There are also in a conundrum because they need social media to control the population and the share prices of big tech are all related to how much people use the internet. They think that CBDC is going to be their saviour or some block chain crypto they manage to scam people into but what has been shared with me about CBDC, was that back in 2016 those pushing CBDC, etc. began to panic because the system they had spent trillions of dollars on to enslave all of us, simply didn’t work. The CBDC systems fall over within 4 minutes when run in parallel just looking at east coast USA transactions only. Nigeria also tried the CBDC experiment and it failed because the technology just didn't work.
The reason they want to move to the alternative system is because they lost their access codes to be able to create money in the old system and hence why all the craziness has simply accelerated. Another thing that these parasites haven't thought about is the power needed to run all of their toys from AI to 5G towers and surveillance; not to mention the money needed to pay people to run and keep the system going.
It's really only a matter of time before it all falls over and it is game over for them. For everyone else, it is really important to build health in oneself and one's community.
The old world is passing away.
As a writer, my purpose is to help people live better lives and somehow ended up on Linkedin with now close to 20k followers. I find that because of how the human brain is wired, we pay attention to things that can go wrong, because that's our survival mechanism but we need to balance it out with a deeper understanding of how things will go right. So the positives posts (like the interview I did on birth with Laura Shanley) that are life and paradigm changing, get very little traction.
Yet, birth is a subject that affects all of us, but it's really hard for people to change their programming of it. It is seen as difficult and dangerous without medical help and anyone saying differently is misinformed. Birth is in fact, how the medical system inducts new patients (victims) into the system and it was hijacked only a few generations ago and before this time, it was normal to give birth at home. How one birth affects everything from gut bacteria to our relationships and confidence to mother.
All my births were quick and painless, usually a few contractions ten minutes apart and the baby would crown and pop out; even the posterior births. Giving birth was such a transformative and powerful experience and I rejected the medical model and my children loved waking up in the morning to a new baby. None of them have ever been to a doctor for illness. I recently interviewed Laura Kaplan Shanley who wrote the book, Unassisted Childbirth and we had a great time discussing birth and our own experiences.
She explained that childbirth is meant to be a natural, painless and ecstatic experience but because of fear and interventions, stress hormones released shut down birth hormones like oxytocin and when those birth hormones are not flowing, babies can get stuck and women have all kinds of problems.
Laura is a mother of 4 children all born at home unassisted, and is also writer, activist, public speaker and grandmother.
She authored the book Unassisted Childbirth, which was accepted for publication by an academic press called Bergin and Garvey but now is actually owned by Bloomsbury, the Harry Potter publisher and she has since bought the rights to the paperback version of her book. Grantly Dick-Read says that if we could eliminate the fear and women could trust their bodies, babies could be born very easily.
Laura goes on to discuss how the same reflex the propels sperm, will propel the baby from a woman's body. It is called Fetal Ejection Reflex also known as the Ferguson reflex, which isa natural process that occurs during birth when the body involuntarily expels the baby without the need for forced pushing.
While modern medicine is great in emergency situations, the vast majority of births should be easy, painless and pleasurable experiences but this knowledge about childbirth has been lost but is now gaining traction as many people because of covid, sought alternatives outside the medical system.
We discuss the issues with medicalized birth in hospital and within the home and how rules, regulations, and fear based "care" interfere with the natural process of birth. We also discuss the politicization of birth, women's rights and bodily autonomy being eroded in respect to birth, the jabs pushed in pregnancy and after birth, intuitive eating, dream births, sex during labour, inducing breastfeeding in someone who has not given birth recently, tribal cultures, our own birth stories, high risk pregnancies, birth trauma, still births, dream births, the benefits of staying outside the medicalized model, breech birth, surprise twin birth, posterior birth, connecting to higher consciousness during birth, support networks, birth after c-section, profiteering from the business of birth, empowerment through knowledge and story telling.
Laura asserts that it is not going back to the traditional ways of birth but a new paradigm,
"And now that we've developed our rational critical mind, we have now it's not like we're going back in time and doing what people used to do. We now we have our rational critical mind that's highly developed, and we can tap start tapping back into our natural instincts that have been there all along. And using our intuitive mind and our rational critical mind, we can have great births, we don't have to, we don't have to, you know, turn ourselves over to the authorities."
An amazing podcast that will change the way you see birth. Please share it around.
Links to her books and social media https://healthallianceaustralia.org/webinars/laura-kaplan-shanley/
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The impact of the Misinformation and Disinformation Bill may mean that I may have to put a number of articles behind a login and will assess that when the bill is passed.
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Direct link to article is https://uncensoredwisdom.com/weak-minds-will-not-survive
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