Stealing elections

The assassination attempt on a former US president and presidential candidate was an attempt to create social unrest and crash the stock market but don't think they are done, and as Alex Jones reports "It means the globalists are going to go for broke. Power outages, cyber attacks, expanded war, China invading Taiwan, stock market is all on the table." Love him or loathe him, controlled opposition or not; Alex Jones was bankrupted by the Deep State and ordered to pay fines of an eye watering 1.5 billion dollars. If he's controlled opposition, what they are preparing the world for is chaos.

Either way, the war on humanity took a drastic turn. Previous assassination attempts had not been so public. I discuss this further below.

The most likely scenario is the use of MK Ultra mind control over an individual, where the attacker hear voices in their head and often their minds are made more open because of drug use. The attacker they name is likely not the person, and there is quite a lot of evidence being put out there by citizen journalists about this but for the purpose of this article, I am not to spend time on that because whoever it was, is just a pawn in a bigger battle. Condolences to the families affected and communities.

Unfortunately, this kind of weaponry is not science fiction. In previous articles. I have discussed this and recorded an interview with a top neuroscientist that worked for DARPA (See ) and recently spoke with Autumn Mattox who is a Targeted Individual and a Victim’s Advocate. A very insightful interview and at the end, we discuss mitigation strategies and tools to protect oneself from this insidious technology that is popping up like mushrooms across our cities.

I also believe resonating a high vibration of hope, faith and love is protective as well as deep breathing and taking care of one's body.

You can also find more information about mind control technology in this link

So by all accounts, it's very probable that mind control was used but there are huge questions around the poor security, which points the finger at the Deep State not some lone shooter.

I am also going to put out there that should things devolve, the designated survivor would take control in America. The snake is cornered and it is going to fight for it's life.

"In the United States, a designated survivor (or designated successor) is a person in the presidential line of succession who is kept distant from others in the line when they are gathered together, to reduce the chance that everyone in the line will be unable to take over the presidency in a catastrophic or mass-casualty event.The person is chosen to stay at an undisclosed secure location, away from such events such as State of the Union addresses and presidential inaugurations. The designation of a survivor is intended to prevent the decapitation of the government and to safeguard continuity in the presidency if the president, the vice president, and others in the presidential line of succession die. The procedure began in the 1950s, during the Cold War, with the idea that nuclear attack could kill government officials and the United States government would collapse."

Sounds crazy, but at this stage, who knows if we end up with no elections and a designated survivor.

The UK elections just gone by, were clearly stolen, with 40% vote spoiled.

The Mexican elections in May 2024, 37 candidates were killed off. All of these stolen elections being clearly visible, in the mainstream media. Stealing by ballots, assassination of candidates, putting candidates on trial, attacking them in the media and financially. It wasn't long ago that Nigel Farage was locked out of all banking in the UK and now he has been elected to the House of Commons. Debanking, while they deny it, happens and often without warning. In Australia there are also serious questions around election integrity.

Historically, none of this is new. Many have been assassinated who threatened the Cabal, Deep State, and their empire and behind all of this, is an incomprehensible evil that is not human.

Live Chat - Recording available afterwards.

Join us tomorrow for "When children go Woke" and navigating rejection, finding strategies and healing division.

The indoctrination of older children into woke, cultural Marxist beliefs by institutions and the media, leading to personal attacks, emotional abuse and division. The family unit is being undermined from within.

We delve into the heart break that comes from adult and teenage children captured by the cult of woke, strategies to bridge the gap and heal relationships, separation, the motives and players behind the war, the push back against woke, and more... in our closer to the heart live chat that includes our personal experiences with older children and wokeism.

Christina Goerss , Rachel Tamilio and myself are hosting a weekly online podcast where we delve deeply into issues of the heart.

❤️Live on the 17th July 2024, at 7am Australian Eastern Standard Time(Or 16th July 2024 2PM PST/5PM EST) Mark it in your calendar 🙏

Thank you to the 121 members of our LinkedIn community who are coming to the live.

The replay will also be available.

Christina has made a beautiful introduction of what we want to create in these weekly podcasts, where through authentic connection and heart to heart conversation, we use story telling to share wisdom, experiences and knowledge for inward transformation, better relationships and positive change.

This will be a safe space in the true meaning of that word, sparking deeper conversation and connection. Small but mighty.

You're invited to join us, to build something truly unique and authentic. In a world where things may seem quite bleak at times, confrontational and divisive; it's important to bring hope, unity and heart.

Mark it in your calendar 🙏

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This week's episode


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I leave you with the following inspirational interview